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Satyaloka/Brahmaloka Kundalini Experience

Kundalini experience using kapalabhati/bhastrika pranayama is a sure method for directing and experiencing kundalini on a daily basis. The experience begins with kundalini moving from muladhar base chakra. It may be jettisoned through the spine into the brain or it may go elsewhere, depending on how it is directed or not directed.



Assessment of and knowledge about the various levels of consciousness which one may assume when kundalini moves or is aroused, is hard to come by. The most common mapping about this is given in books like the Hatha Yoga Pradipika where chakras on the spine are mentioned. But the convention is that once kundalini ascends the spine and enters the brain it will project the person or cause the person to reach into and experience the brahman.


What is this brahman?


It is supposed to be the Absolute Truth as per statements made in the Upanishads. However it concerns the limited individual self becoming aware of a vast reservoir of spiritual energy which is golden and bliss saturated, where the person loses track of form and is no longer aware of limitations in the reach of consciousness. For instance the sober mind of a human being can feel a pinch which is made to his arm say. He feels the specific location and can identity it even in total darkness. But in the brahman experience there is no point location which he can identify, not even the centralization of his consciousness. Everything seems to be diffused without limit as if there is no edge or membrane or contents localization. The spiritual energy there is scattered so evenly and is so homogenously distributed that there is little possibility of becoming objective to it. It may be described as the place of subjectivity in full.


A question:

What if someone is not satisfied with this brahman scattered spatial consciousness experience?


What if the person needs environment which is differentiated as per his reference of experience in the physical world?



Apart from the mergence into brahman spiritual energy where bliss of brahman (brahmananda) is experienced, there are other types of kundalini arousals which take place within the psyche and which are reachings into higher dimensions where if one had the perception, one would see supernatural beings resident there.


When a yogi has those experiences, he may or may not be aware of the other beings and may only experience the higher awareness of the subtle body. This makes it difficult to divine which level the yogi’s focal consciousness was transferred to. There is a way of knowing what level one transited to which is the method of being informed by a yogaguru who can positively identify the locations. One other method is to gage the bliss quality because each of the higher planes renders a specific type of bliss energy.


I use both intuitive sensitivity and, whenever it is available, concurrence with a yogaguru; as for instance Yogeshwarananda who is a skilled space tourist who knows the details about the various planes.


With intuitive sensitivity, one uses an unprejudiced sensing pad of awareness. That informs as to the level of consciousness. The other method is to gage the bliss type.


Each higher level has a bliss feeling which is rendered .The subtle body becomes saturated with that or a part of the subtle body will be saturated with that so that the yogi can gage the level from that. He should know that there are supernatural beings resident there even though he does not visually perceive them.


In one experience when kundalini fired within the trunk of the subtle body, it spread through the entire body in waves which rendered glimmering globules of bliss. The size of the globules were like small gravel. The colors were mostly transparent translucent light green like low tone turquoise. There was a pearly feel to the bliss aspect. This I identified as the Brahmaloka/Satyaloka plane of consciousness.


While people who are permanent residents of that zone would move about with this bliss experiences as normal consciousness, a yogi may find it to be stunning or spellbinding. He would become absorbed in it as if he was stunned.

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