Samadhi or Deep Sleep?
The study of deep sleep states for knowing the process of being fully awake in a physical body and then transiting into near no consciousness, and then resuming physical awareness is a method of verifying for the permanent or nonpermanent status of the self.
The adjuncts which are the intellect, memory and lifeForce pulsation system are shed one by one as one enters deeper and deeper into deep sleep, with the sense of identity and the coreSelf alone existing onwards as if this duo was one psychic object.
The question of the permanence or impermanence of the individual self remains as a constant challenge to an honest transcendentalist. Some assume that the self is enduring. Others feel that it is a circumstantial combination which has no underlying endurance in any shape or form.
The evidence of a self or the lack of it, is acquired in the study of deep sleep states (yoganidrā), where the layers of social identity are relinquished phase by phase as the self moves inwards to the causal plane.
Can the self recognize itself without its socially configured faces?
Eventually in deep sleep there remains only a sliver of the sense of identity with the core, with no access to intellect, memory and lifeForce. Will that bare self endure?
There is something beyond the causal plane but that whatever it is, is beyond reach in the present state. A yogi should be reasonable with himself/herself and aspire for what is practical to attain. He/She should not be a salvationist with an all or nothing approach to what will happen hereafter, to think that it is either it is heaven or hell, salvation or damnation, nirvana or physical existence, the kingdom of God or another material body.
First shed this physical consciousness, then become established as the subtle body. Then shed the subtle body and become established as the causal plane. Reaching there one should integrate what that is. From such integration one may explore further.
- The first question
If I made no effort in mysticism, what would I become after the death of the physical body?
The answer is that I could become the subtle body which I used in dreams.
- The second question
If I made no effort in mysticism what would I become if the subtle body was no more?
The answer is that I could be an idea on the causal plane.
- The third question
If I made no effort in mysticism what would I become if the causal plane was demolished?
The answer is that I would enter into full subjectivity. On the causal plane most of what I am is subjective and indefinable. I assume that will increase.
There is a journey from physical awareness to deep sleep. There is an inverse journey from deep sleep to physical awareness. These should be studied carefully. This is natural and requires no philosophic or religious support. These are self-evident conditions which one should integrate into and intimately know.