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Rishi Singh Gherwal / Brahmrandra to Chit-Akash

During October of 2016, during an early morning breath-infusion practice, Rishi Singh Gherwal appeared on the astral side. He wanted to review my practice. I took the opportunity to ask him about his absence astrally for many years (30+), when Arthur Beverford and myself, separately, tried to find him.


In relation to Beverford, Rishi said that he made himself unavailable because of Beverford’s tobacco smoking habit and obsession with martial arts. Then he explained that when I was looking for him I was involved with women.


After he said that I decided not to press him for details. He observed the breath-infusion practice. After a time, after about ten minutes into the practice, he explained some more saying that for a yogi who does not want to take rebirth it is dangerous, once he gets over to the astral side after death, for him to associate with anyone who is sexually involved because that could cause the yogi to be drawn into a parental energy the result of which will be embryo formation and subsequent rebirth.


Soon after this when the breath infusion session was over, and during the meditation which followed, he instructed me to do a certain meditation procedure which he said gives access to the chit akash. This uses the brahmrandra crown chakra instead of the brow chakra access.



In that practice, after doing breath infusion, the yogi sits in a tight lotus posture while checking to be sure that the infused breath energy is ascending through the trunk of the subtle body through the neck into the head and straight up to the brahmrandra. The yogi may or may not be attentive to naad sound resonance but his focus will be upward. He will keep this focus in a tight grasp with all energy streaming through the top of the head. The yogi remains in this until there is access to the chit akash through the top of the head or until the infused energy thins out and the meditation session ceases. By repeatedly practicing this, the yogi increases his chance of penetrating to the chit akash.

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