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Reincarnation Belief Hereafter

Reincarnation Belief Hereafter

On April 13, 2021, I had a visit from a lady I knew in Northern Minnesota in the years of 1976 – 1979. She is currently deceased.  About six months ago, she consulted me about her missing husband, who is also deceased. She wanted to know if I was aware of his location in the astral existence.

As she inquired, the man stood to my right but he was in another of the astral dimensions. She could not detect that he was there. I told her that I was unaware of his situation but that if I got information, I would relay it to her. After this she left. Then the man told me that he lived in the astral existence very near to where she is located but that for some reason, he did not feel that it would be beneficial for her to contact him.

However, when she visited on April 13, 2021, she informed me that she was in a Buddhist community doing vipassana practice. This is a person who was a lifelong Christian and who would not have done so if she was still on the physical side. When I asked her for the reason of leaving Christianity for Buddhism, she said that many deceased people from that northern Minnesota area where she lived, converted to Buddhism because they did not go to the Christian heaven and did not see Christ during their death experience and in the astral existence hereafter.

I said this to her,

“It is great to get information about the other religious systems available on earth but the idea of reincarnation is just that and nothing else unless you change your point of reference. So long as the physical world is your focus, even the belief in reincarnation will not help. To move from belief to experience is necessary, where one begins by considering the subtle body as the reference.”

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