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Reality ~ Create Your Astral World

Many people find themselves flying during dreams. Some say it is astral projection, the movement of the astral form (subtle body) through akash or astral space. It might happen once in a person’s lifetime. It might occur frequently. Some persons claims to practice this in meditation. Others do it with the help of herbs, drugs, mantras, music, sound resonance and by other means. 


A few days ago a man described to me how the astral body flies through astral walls of concrete or passes through solid matter with ease. Actually if we pay attention to science, we can readily understand that radio waves penetrate buildings. We could notice this in our use of cell phones. There is a limit to that penetration that is why people in a subway in New York City might not get phone reception until they emerge on a sidewalk in open air.


This article is about creating your own reality in the astral world, calling the shots there, playing God with reality, having the astral landscape there which surrounds you respond to your every whim. You are in New York City. You desire to speak to your Dad in Moscow. You extract your cell phone from your pocket. You switch the screen to listed callers. You select your Dad’s name. The phone does the rest. You speak to your Dad as desired.


It was facilitated by technology. Which part was you? Which part was everything else which assisted you? What did you do? Did you produce the cell phone and signal towers which sent and acquired the communications?



I found myself as the subtle body in an astral dimension, where whatever came to mind became real there. If I thought of a fruit, that specific variety was there instantly. Whatever I could think of, appeared in my presence immediately.


Did I create the astral objects on my whim?


The answer is that in those astral dimension, the environment is responsive to a person’s will power and creative desires but this also happens in the physical world to some degree, as described above with the cell phone incidence. A mere desire to speak with someone who is thousands of miles away was possible because the technology to do so was available.



In terms of the astral, it is not so much what one can created but what the environment can accommodate in one’s desire. The credit is due to the environment. It is the responsiveness of the environment which is responsible not the person who uses that facility.

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