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Radial coreSelf

This is a mushroom which I photographed on June 5, 2020. It reminded me of the crown chakra burst when kundalini strikes that radial energy. In some experiences the brow chakra (third eye) looks like this.


Of greater importance however this is reminiscent of the condition of the coreSelf (atma) when it is in the brahmin effulgence, except that it is spherical, expanding on all sides of its speck-like self. The mushroom is transverse (axial) only while the core is spherical with a central infinitesimal core from which its perpetual spiritual energy emanates.


This mushroom is a coreSelf whose energy radiates except that its physical influence is limited to a transverse display and not to a spherical one.


inSelf Yoga™ is concerned with researching the core using many methods. One such method is the study of primitive lifeforms which show indications of what the core is because those forms do not have many expressive factors which cause confusion.

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