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Purpose for Asana Postures

Asana postures are the third stage of the ashtanga yoga process, which is divided into eight parts. This is according to the definition given by Patanjali in his Yoga Sutras. There are however many yoga teachers who give definitions which are at variance with Patanjali.

In inSelf Yoga™, the asana postures make the physical body more conducive for doing the psychological practices in yoga. This is due to the fact that the linkage between the physical aspects of psyche, and the psychic features of it, are more efficiently coordinated if the physical body is in its most healthy condition.

The stage of yoga which is higher than the asana postures, is the pranayama breath infusion. That feature of yoga is for targeting the subtle body. At first this is a physical practice with noticeable health benefits in the physical body. When some of the breath infusion is mastered, the student realizes that he can target the subtle body while doing the physical breathing process.

Some students who are space bound, do not realize the subtle body. Instead, these persons focus only on the physical system and derive benefits in the physical way mostly. Their conclusion is that yoga is primarily asana postures.

This happens because of not practicing the fifth stage of yoga, the one which is higher than pranayama breath infusion. That is the pratyahara sensual energy withdrawal practice.

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