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Psyche Inhabitants

Over the years, one after another, I discovered some other persons living in my psyche. In most cases, the discovery was made after an occupant was in the process of leaving the psyche to go elsewhere. Rarely have I discovered anyone who stayed in the psyche after being confronted. In addition, usually I was unable to interview the person. There was present a hesitation energy which stalled the mind as soon as an inquiry about the identity and purpose of the person was made.

This occupant whom I discovered during a meditation on July 9, 2023, was a supernatural being. He resided in my right hip. When he was discovered, I instantly realized that he was resident there for some years, for at least ten years. His format was weightless, so that I could not know of his presence. His energy was invisible except that it became known as a sex polarity force some years ago, and then after a few years again after the first detection of the polarity force, it again became known when a woman, I used to know was present.

It is clear that the supernatural being was wrapped in a neutral energy, like a worm wrapped in a silken cocoon. The idea was for me to become this person’s father with a specific female being his mother.

At the discovery, suddenly the surrounding energy disappeared, and a lust energy was manifested. But then that diffused so that only a neutral energy was present with this occupant being released from my psyche. It is to be understood that other entities may live in the psyche. These persons may be unknown to the primal occupant of the psyche, and he/she may influence one’s behavior with one not knowing that one is influenced.

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