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Psyche Clean-up ~ Cell Kundalini Burst

One huge task for the yogi is the cleanup of energies in the subtle body. That might seem to be something which is not important because a yogi may not be interested in having even a subtle body. It is a practical achievement to reach for however, because one does know what might happen later when one is deprived of the present physical form, which is for the time being a permanent address of the subtle body.


As people live on a certain street on a certain lot, so the subtle body presently lives in the physical form and regards that as its one and only address. Later however as happened to the ancestors, that housing facility, that physical form, will cease to be available. Then we must live as a subtle body in the dream world without having this physical respite from that flimsy shifting reality.


Some are not worried about this because they fantasize about how nice it would be in the astral world fulltime.

Are you really prepared for fulltime existence there?

What would that be like?

Imagine if your present residence was not there after you got back from work one afternoon. Imagine that your property disappeared into thin air. Or someone armed with weapons lived there and fired at you as soon as you tried to assert yourself as the tenant.


I have some friends who would go berserk. These are people who consider themselves to be yogis or some type of transcendentalist.


Well if you would be unnerved if your place disappeared or if you were blocked from using it, then I do not see how permanent residence in the astral world would be acceptable to you.




Alter the subtle body now so that its energies are such that it is attracted to and is compatible with the higher astral planes where very elevated beings are located. You cannot stay in any such place unless your subtle form has energies which are compatible to that location. You may see such a place after being departed or even now, but only in a flash, not for long. Poor people do on occasion go into a palace but they are not allowed to stay there or to visit regularly. Certainly they are not allowed to live there permanently.


There are many methods which are given by various successful ascetics. It is your task as to which one you will use. I recommend the one which I practice, which is breath infusion followed by meditation. Reading books by persons who practice and who discuss their experiences is part of this inSelf Yoga process.




Work aggressively to get kundalini up the spine into the brain on a daily basis. When that becomes your daily routine, practice it on and on, until the sushumna central spinal passage is thoroughly blasted out. This will progress in a shift from spinal kundalini to cell kundalini, where you will experience burst of bliss energy in the trunk and elsewhere in the subtle body, besides the head of the form.


This brings to your attention that there is more to do and that sushumna nadi complete clearance is part of a process of purification and is not all of it. You may become disheartened by this insight if you felt before that sushumna nadi was the accomplishment. Nevertheless you should move on and work to get the entire psyche cleared of low grade astral energy.


When doing practice for this, time and again there will be kundalini burst in various parts of the subtle body besides the head. Appreciate this and work with this to purify which ever part of the subtle body you become aware of during breath infusion where certain parts burst with bliss energy. It may be neutral bliss energy or it may not be as intense as say a kundalini burst into the brain. Whatever it is work with it. When it occurs compress in on the energy, on those pranic or subtle energy bundles, so that these compress inwards upon themselves and burst out in frantic energy fission and fusion.


Eventually all stagnant low level astral energy in the psyche will be compressed in on itself and will burst out to new levels of awareness for those particular places in the subtle body. This applies to the trunk, thighs, legs, feet, arms, forearms, neck, shoulders, buttocks, hips and sacral regions.



You should have already fixed the lung heart complex, the reproductive concerns and the digestive system when you mastered sushumna spinal kundalini.

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