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Pranayama in Kriya Yoga

On February 23, 2018, during a meditation session, I had a visit from the deceased Hariharananda. He was known as a kriya yoga master when he used his last body. He was a disciple of Yukteshwar. His idea was that one could penetrate to chit akash sky of consciousness even without doing pranayama practice.

I did not disagree but I said this:

Those who can do so let them do so but those who do not have success should practice breath infusion using kapalabhati/bhastrika immediately prior to sitting for meditation. Breath infusion surcharges the subtle body which causes it to jump higher in frequency and content. In addition breath infusion causes automatic pratyahar sensual energy withdrawal with the resulting introspective urge.


Hariharananda is of the opinion that once a person sits to meditate and can become absorbed in naad sound resonance, he or she can transfer into naad light and wait for chit akash access.


I only agree with this opinion for very advanced yogis. Others will get stuck in attempts at naad absorption and will not know how to switch to naad light. If lucky, they will wait in a voidal state for moments or minutes and will not progress into naad light and will not experience vision access into chit akash.


The result will be another failed meditation attempt where the person may even feel he or she reached the absolute as blankness existence.

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