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Prabhupada Astral

Prabhupada Astral

On the night of Aug 16th, 2015, I had an unusual encounter with Srila Bhaktivedanta Swami in the astral world. This might not be accepted by some of his followers because their idea is that he went to the spiritual world of Krishna after the death of his recent material body.


Here is what happened:


He was in a small building, like a small house in India. It has a dirt floor and was very simple without modern amenities. With him was an assistant, a person I knew when I lived in his temple in West Virginia. This person was known as his sannyasi assistant, or personal servant, for some years during the early formation of his society.


During the encounter this person did not greet me. It appeared that he was not aware of my presence in the little house and that his mind was set to only focus on the services he rendered to Prabhupada.


Prabhupada began to question me about the possibility of a specific black-bodied devotee becoming a preacher in his society. I replied mentally that I did not have that authority over the person and that it was best to make direct contact. He said nothing when I stated this.


Currently this person is using a physical body and is involved in teaching yoga postures and yoga breathing exercises, some of which he learned from me. Currently this person consults me weekly but I know for a fact that he is not interested in functioning under the restrictions which are imposed on members of Prabhupada’s sect. Still it is not my concern to influence this person for or against the request of Prabhupada.


In that astral encounter, Srila Prabhupada used an astral form which resembled his physical body when it was about 20 years of age. The body was youthful. It was small and petit, good-looking by Indian standards of beauty and health.


I could also sense in his mind that he main interests were the same as when he was physical present. In his mind there was this energy about his books being primal and that only his books were of relevance to anything. He was occupied with the information in his books and with the ritual worship of Lord Krishna as per the system he established when his physical body was alive.


Suddenly however as I reviewed what was his focus, he said to me mentally that he wanted to get in touch with Dr. Radhakrishnan because he felt that this person would assist in getting him public recognition.


I replied that I had no personal relationship with Radhakrishnan and could not approach him about that. Prabhupada seemed to be preoccupied with such thoughts. Then I left that astral place which is in India.


Surprisingly only that one disciple of his was with him.


Special Observation:


It is common in the astral world that sometimes one finds oneself to be in an astral dimension where one remembers events from a past life but one has that memory without objectivity. Thus one operates the mind with the events of that memory without understanding that those were memory instances from the past, and that any thinking in relation to such thoughts could not be manifested because they are long past and cannot be re-enacted. This can happen to anyone in the astral existence.


It happens frequently to any person even in the physical existence if the person is addicted to thinking and rehashing of past events. Unfortunately many spiritual seekers are compulsive thinkers and are subjective these very unnecessary mento-emotional harassments. I have students who sometimes become angry and distraught with me because of my refusal to participate in their positive or negative rehashing of impulsive memory events. Every one of these people are nuisances.

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