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Pisser over My Head

I was recently doing some plumbing repairs for a relative, when another person arrived there was dismayed, because the commode and bath tub which was on the floor above, was directly over the kitchen. In fact it was directly over the pots on the stove in the kitchen. The visitor was aghast that anyone would design a building with a shitter and bath water discharge above a kitchen.


This house was designed by an architect and was an expensive building. It was not put together by do-it-yourselfer or by poor people who could hardly afford it.




I did not reply to the critic but I began to look at the construction of the place from an inSelf Yoga™ perspective and saw that the human body which we use was created in a place which was adjacent to a shitter and which was directly above a pisser.


What astonishment would that cause if one could realize that whosoever or whatever designed the human bodies, did so and placed the embryo in a most unlikely place. Does that affect our arrogance, pride and dignity?


Are we still as dignified as we want to be in spite of the fact that we traveled down the father’s pissing tube and was squirted into the mother’s menstrual discharge track, and then swam up her uterus which was not such a fragrant place and which was actually a hot hell-hole.


Are we proud of ourselves despite the fact that we exited the mother’s uterus and was push out into the world, coming out with the mother’s pissing track directly above us within one or two inches and with her shitter directly below us within one inch or so.


Some of our mothers even excreted urine and/or solid waste just as we were forced out of that place.


Who would have designed such an ignoble location for the formation of and expulsion of our embryo? How awful and unsanitary is that?


Which sane architect would have designed a house where the stove where delicious foods are prepared and where the fridge where the ice-cream was kept, was directly below the shitter and pisser.


Who would have designed the situation where the place where the human body gives the most pleasure is the located adjacent to the place where that body pisses and shits?


Ha! Better not criticize the human architect until we can get this all straight.

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