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Pineal Gland

Email Question:

Is the pineal gland, the seat of the atma?


MiBeloved’s Response:

To this date, I did not discuss the pineal gland in the inSelf Yoga™ books and literature. For one thing the atma (coreSelf) is not the instrumental factor in having a physical body (embryo), it is the kundalini which does that and which supervises and develops that.

Let me ask this question.

Where is the most important factor in a generator?

We know that someone or a few persons developed electricity by using a magnet in a core of wires, where the revolution of the magnet created a magnetic influence which caused electricity to appear in the wires. But what is the cause of this. When the generator is running, can we identify the cause, as to the physical origin of the current?

For the purpose of inSelf Yoga™, we study the subtle body. Our study of the physical system is for the purpose of getting clarification about the subtle body. In the subtle body we are concerned with subtle organs and with these adjuncts in terms of how they function and relate.

If there is a question about pineal gland which related to this, please mention it with the subtle body as a reference.

One thing is certain which is that the kundalini lifeForce naturally creates these bodies. There is no one planning how these bodies are formed. It is all spontaneously done. What we can do is observe some of these operations, and only those which we are allowed to gain information about. Like for instance within the past fifty years or so, some humans got to understand how emotions flow when electricity is made. Why did it take so long for us to find that out, and why only a few human beings really understand it and can make gadgets which the rest of humans are now compelled to use?

The atma is not the factor involved in transmigration. It is the subtle body which does that. This suggest that the atma is not near to the physical body. It is remote to it, at a functional distance. Hence to ask if it is stationed in a physical gland is illogical.

The closest factor to the coreSelf is the sense of identity (ahankara). That is a supernatural object which surrounds the core on all sides. There is no other adjunct which has that direct relationship with the core. The sense of identity is the second feature with the core being the first as the core of individual consciousness.

The next factor which is lower than the sense of identity, is the intellect (buddhi) which is directly related to the sense of identity which is higher and to the kundalini lifeForce which is lower than the intellect.

The coreSelf is not directly related to the intellect but it gets information about the activities of the intellect from the sense of identity.

The intellect and the kundalini lifeForce work side by side, with the intellect supporting the kundalini for the most part. The reliance of the coreSelf goes to the sense of identity (ahamkara). Due to that connection, the core becomes influences by the intellect and the kundalini lifeForce. But these are indirect connections.

The indirectness does not mean that the coreSelf is not affected. One may wish for the core to be immune to influence but in fact it is not. Hence the struggle for liberation from the influences.

Is the pineal gland involved in spiritual practice? Some teachers claim that it is. However, in inSelf Yoga™, it is not our concern. The locations and organs which we investigate are the subtle ones.

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