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Person to Person Relation

In the final analysis when all is said and done, when even the universe is silenced, everything concerning person potential will be reduced to a sum total relational energy which will be reactivated in the cosmic future. Whatever great or small accomplishments we make as individuals or as a collective, as a family or nation, those accomplishments only serve as mediums for personality expression.



Yes, there is this stubborn idea that person does not matter because person may be unreal or formative for the time being, but that does not in any way remove the significance of person.


In the end, when the mathematics of this existence is summarized, what will be left on one side is the quieted mundane energy and on the other side, the psychic person interplay in a summary form. This essence will again be activated as a new manifestation in which the summary relational computation will enact something similar to what happened before.


There is a story in the life of Gautam Buddha which gives some insight into this. It concerned Devadatta, a cousin and disciple of Buddha. This person did not get along with Buddha and created a sect of monks in opposition to Buddha. This happened after the Buddha was enlightened which proves that enlightenment as it is defined by Buddha does not spare a person from relational hassles. Devadatta challenged Buddha many times. He tried to kill Buddha’s body even. This all happened after Buddha’s enlightenment. Even then Buddha had enemies and opponents and had to deal with adverse relationships. Once Buddha remembered that Devadatta acted in a similar hostile way in other previous lives.


Relational energy continues life after life. It hardly changes. I could change but the energy and attention which is required to alter my psychology is such that it is hardly likely to change even through a time of many lives.


One way to escape this relationship situation is to not come into manifestation on the level where the relationship must be serviced. A relationship needs a particular type of environment to come into play. Hence if one can avoid a certain environment, one would not have to work within the format of the relationship. Otherwise if one enters that level of existence in a suitable time and place, the relationship energy will take a format which forces one to participate.


If a yogi can, he should avoid both favorable and unfavorable relationships which may come into formation but which will obstruct progress. This means that one must have a keen intuition which accurately predicts or senses the relationship potential with certain persons who are on the same plane of existence. Those who are on other planes are no bother because they are not in a format which will affect the yogi, unless somehow the yogi transfers into the level where those persons exist. This holds true only if the persons on other planes have no psychic influence over the yogi.


Since a physical yogi has a subtle body, he may be subjected to relational influences which come from other planes. This happens because the subtle body is susceptible to psychic influences from other levels.


Sometimes one gets the harebrained idea that because a relationship is moral, it will facilitate yoga. Or one may think that because a relation has an immoral potential it will squash yoga. This type of attitude does not help higher yoga but it does give value to righteous lifestyle on earth.


The truth is that even a moral relationship may be detrimental to yoga. In fact it may be more harmful than an immoral behavior. Whatever will take one quicker to an all-out run for final progress is great. Whatever will cause one to postpone the urgency of yoga should be avoided.


In all respects most of the relationships we have are detrimental to yoga. A yogi should sidestep and if possible not be in a vicinity to service relationships from the present or past lives, because these energies may stunt yoga.

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