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Replies (2)
    • Paul Stamets is just awesome!

      The story of his brother's death may not be in this video, but it adds an extra layer of providential making to whom he was to become to the Mycelium kingdom, as well as healer to the great bees populations and also uncovering the mysteries of mushrooms species life forms and how they are dominating nature (their own way) and could so powerfully contribute to humanity (if they could have enough sense and humility).

      Not sure if he mentions it here, but his hat is made of the Amadou mushroom! How cool is that!

      • Mycelium has magic!



        "Astronomer Joseph Burchett and computer scientist Oskar Elek, both of the University of California, Santa Cruz, and colleagues adapted a computer method for producing slime mold–like patterns so that, instead of food sources, it could connect more than 37,000 known galaxies sprinkled throughout space. Surprisingly, that technique reproduced the kinds of structures seen in computer simulations of the cosmic web, scientists report March 10 in the Astrophysical Journal Letters."



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