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Passionate Energy Permanent

The passionate energy in material nature is permanent. Its manifestations are temporary but the stockpile of energy which is the potential for enthusiasm is permanent. Because this universe is isolated both physically and psychically, it is not possible to reduce the passion content.


Someone will be influenced in a passionate way today; someone else tomorrow. That will happen. It may not be you. It may be me. But someone will be influenced.


Remaining in the zones of the passionate energy and crying about the manifestation of impulsive forces is silly. One should instead migrate from the level in which the passionate force holds sway. Within the mind the passionate force abounds on a certain plane of consciousness. One should get to know this place and avoid it. One should instead take shelter in the zone of clarity even though that place is not as exciting.


If one spends enough time in meditation in the clarity zone, then even if one accidentally or deliberately enters the passionate zone, that energy will not have the power over one which it had before. The passionate energy will behave itself, presenting itself a being small in comparison to the core-self.

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