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Parenting Skill Trap

The idea of parenting is in every species of life, beginning from the most rudimentary lifeforms. It is so embedded that it operates with or without one’s willingness to participate, or one awareness of how one is induced to support it.

How in a world with death-bound bodies, would life continue unless some existing forms serve as parents to new bodies?

Thus, it is absolutely necessary for there to be parenting forms which contribute start forms (nucleus) for new forms, child bodies. Those child bodies must in turn mature, to become new parent forms which beget other progeny.

This looping procedure is an absolute must in this type of world. No one would be here to speak of it if this arrangement was not established in the beginning of this manifestation of physical life, which is based on biological formations.

However, from another angle, the expertise of this which some entities have, serve as a trap for them, where they have no blueprint in their natures for existing outside of such a parent-necessity world.

One would have no idea of an existence where there is no reproductive urge and biological productions through parents. That would deprive one of the opportunity to shift to a type of existence, where there is personal existence, but no reproductive scheme which is biologically operative.

The parenting skill!

Is it a trap?

Is it the cause of a type of existential imprisonment?

Imagine a psychology where one spends lives, many lives, one after the other, with the repetitive purpose of being a parent in each life, on and on, endlessly. Is that what drives us through this time event?

And what is the theme?

I lived. I was a parent. I died.

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