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Old Age for Yogis

Old age can be beneficial for yogis, if only, they could use it to better understand the profile of youth and adulthood. Old Age is when the youthfulness of the body is lost. Its looks of vibrancy and energy, no longer show in it. People dismiss it as being handicapped and unwanted in many respects.

This also means that the social pressure which is applied to the body during its youthful and young adult stages, is lifted where there are less demands made for social participation. For instance, even though the very same essential coreSelf person resides in an elderly body as it did when that body was in its youthful years, people do not expect that body to be as interested in sexual acts as it did previously.

This causes a relaxation of the pressure for sexual performance. People do not expect that an elderly body should have sex, beget children, take a strenuous employment, and do many other things.

The benefit of using an elderly body shows because the self using that form, the same self which used it when it was young, is not expected to act vigorously as it did previously. That self can now observe others and study the operation of the social equations. An elderly yogi can gage himself/herself to consider how during the young body, he/she rated circumstances and events in one way, which was accurate or inaccurate, and see how the psyche adjusted over the time from the youthful condition to that of the elderly one.

The social benefit of old age is its seniority, its rating of experience which a youth lacks. However, if the self misuses the seniority, it is insulted when its mistakes are discovered by others.

The best approach is to forego the seniority. Instead, one should use the elderly body as a peephole, to view things which one could not see in the youthful and young adult body. One can observe the behavior of younger bodies to learn how a body operates, and how influenced someone is to the moods and faulty perceptions which one has when the body is young. It is the observational benefit which one should use in the elderly form.

Others, most others, do not realize that the viewer who uses the elderly body is not elderly. That is a psychic somebody which is the same as when it used a youthful or an adolescent form.

There is another advantage to having an elderly body. This is where persons using youthful and young adult forms, rate someone using an elderly body as being an old man or elderly lady. These persons do not realize that the psychic entity using the body has the same capability except that the physical body is unable to express that capability. As a capable driver cannot properly operate a malfunctioning car, so a psychic self cannot commit many functions which an elderly body cannot demonstrate.

On the psychic plane of life, the elderly person is not handicapped as he/she is on the physical side. Both, the one using the youthful body, and the other one using the elderly one, have the same type of psychic form and can interact psychically with no limitation of one or the other physical forms. This should be observed by yogis/yoginis who use elderly forms.

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