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Nāḍī Series-3: Architecture of Back Spinal Nadis: Side Converging, Diverging & Spinal Nāḍīs

Nāḍī is a Sanskrit word ( नाडी) and it literally has several meanings as per contexts like tube, pipe, nerve, blood vessel, or pulse.

Here, Nāḍī is used as a term for the subtle body channels through which the breath energy (prana) and life force (Kundalini) moves in the subtle & physical body (subtle & physical are interspaced).

October 2022

Houston, Texas

This is a sequence to Nāḍī Series-2: Traditional Spinal & Diverging Spinal or Sushmna Nāḍī

Critical factors in Nāḍī:

Nāḍī s will carry 2 types of energy:

  1. Prana (Subtle breath energy)
    1. There are several types of breath energy (including Apana & pollutants which can be carried or blocked in the Nāḍīs)
  2. Kundalini (life force energy)
    1. Several Nāḍīs discoveries eventually mean several kundalinis have started or eventually flow

The main factors to look for the Nadi are:

  1. Relative astral dimension in which it appears
  2. Types of kundalini manifestations due to these nadis
  3. diameter of the Nadi→ this tells the quantity & quality of prana & kundalini energy flow thru it.
    1. some nadis will be very thin like 0.01 inch near the abdomen & genitals
    2. Other nadis as thick as 2-3 inches like Sushumna or spinal nadis, thigh & leg Nadi

Traditional Sushumna or Spinal Nāḍī :

Traditionally we hear a lot about spinal Nāḍī or Sushumna Nāḍī and their functions.



ARchitacture of Back Spinal Nadis: Converging & Diverging Nadis

This post enumerates numerous several other adjacent spinal nadis which are very similar to spinal Nadi.

The architecture of All Back Spinal Nadi:

  1. Main Spinal Nāḍīs
  2. Diverging Spinal Nāḍīs (Higher astral dimensions)
  3. Converging Spinal Nāḍīs (Very high Astral DImensions) (Rarest)

Sometimes, all these nadis can overlap and look like several flyover from the top view.


Converging Spinal Nadi (Rare): 

This happened at a very high astral dimension where these nadis appeared. This is the rarest nadi that I have seen. Haphazardly, these were revealed in virasana pose when I bent down and raised up. 

These nadis reveal how several nadis which are hidden in astral dimensions still have their impact on the subtle body and even have secret auxiliary functions in other lower dimensions. 




Diverging Spinal Nadi (Rare): 

This also happened at high astral frequency, very often one can see these nadis in the Agnisara process. 

These nadis reveal how several nadis which are hidden in astral dimensions still have their impact on the subtle body and even have secret auxiliary functions in other lower dimensions. 



Kundalinis that are triggered by these Nadis:

Nadis are directly linked to raising several types and manifestations of Kundalini

Sometimes, one understands and raises the kundalini, and other times, the kundalini manifests and then, it reveals its corresponding nadis.

All higher astral dimensions or frequency nadis are revealed after the kundalini manifestation. There are several thousand & thousands of such astral levels and Nadi configurations which are open to be discovered.

Hatha Yoga Prathipika gives a good idea and feels for it, it says 72000 Nadis, but it did not mention which astral level and there are thousands of astral levels.

This Converging, Diverging & Spinal or Sushmna Nāḍīs are directly linked to the following kundalinis:

  1. Back cell kundalini 

  2. Full Arm-Shoulder kundalini

  3. Whole body Back cell kundalini





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