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Nudity on the Astral Planes

There are more astral slip planes than there are cell phone numbers on planet earth. This means that at any time on the astral levels, one person could give another person(s) the slip by making a slight or steep change of frequency of the personPsyche.

I gave a few alerts.

  • Many people who are deceased are in a nude condition in the astral world
  • Astral people who are deceased do not like to be questioned by anyone

What does this mean?

It is similar to the condition of animals on this planet, where they are not attired except in their skins. We do not think that it is unusual to see a naked animal but we may become alarmed at a nude teenaged or adult human. A nude baby or infant is not alarming but if the parents of the child appeared in that way in public it would cause an alarm, if not an arrest by police for indecent exposure.

And yet, there are many people in the astral world who move about with full nudity and think nothing of it. This pertains to persons who in the last human body before death, were staunch moralists and would have called the police if they saw anyone nude body in public.

Another feature of the astral world is that deceased people there do not tolerate being questioned by anyone. In fact, if one meets an astral person who was deceased recently, whom one knew, and if one attempted to question the person about something, particularly about the relationship with someone else, that person would either disappear or one would find that one cannot verbalize the question. It is as if the person has some restraining power so that one cannot speak the inquiry.

The situation of those who move about nude, is that they do not appear before and are not seen by anyone whom they do not trust. Most of these people whom I saw are women. Some are sexually aroused in that condition, while others are aware of themselves just as the animals are where they are nude but it carries no sexual connotation.

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