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No Naad Anywhere?

Student Report:


October 11 2016

Infusion this morning lasted about 1 hour 15 minutes. Meditation attempt was 10 only due to the cold. Went home and tried to astral project. Fail.

No naad sound anywhere. 

This session was a better one, kundalini rose 4 really good times towards the end. Very strong rise and more objectivity because of the blind fold.

Number of thoughts in the mind went down considerably. 


Jaya Sri Guru-Deva


Mi~Beloved’s Response


If the cold weather causes meditation time to be less, one should make an effort to change location for meditation so that one can sit for the preferred time. Or one should have warming clothes available to use as soon as the breath infusion session is finished.


Both the breath infusion and the meditation which follows are to be done for inSelf Yoga™ practice. Ten minutes of meditation is better than no meditation but that is not ideal. At least one should meditate for 20 minutes if not more.


To share something with you, when I used to meditate, say about forty (40) years ago, I was not doing for an hour. It was for less than that even though on occasion I would force myself to sit for an hour. After years of practice, I may do meditation now for two hours or a little less, and that is not enough even. In the early morning session one should do the longest session and then in the afternoon session one may do much less. Then while putting the body to rest into sleep, one should do another short session.


The issue of the yogi’s relationship with naad comes up again and again. This much I can say which is that naad is ever present and is dear to the yogi. Naad is so dear to the yogi, that a spouse or partner of a yogi might become jealous of naad. There is a story about his.


There was a yogi name Gosh who was a householder. He used to go into a room for meditation but his wife was suspicious because after a time, it seem to her that he would be in that room for too long. It started out with just fifteen minutes of meditation. But then over time it increased to an hour and then to even more.


After talking to one of her neighbors a close friend, she determined that perhaps there was another woman in that room with the yogi. She then decided to take a peep during the meditation sessions. Before this she trusted this man, but due to the prolonged time he spent in the room she grew to mistrusting him very much.


Day after day she would take a peek when he was in that room but she saw no one besides the yogi sitting in there. However she noticed one day that he was smiling during meditation. This was mysterious to her because usually during meditation there is no expression on the face of a yogi or his head will droop after so many minutes when he shifted from having awareness of his physical body.


This lady went to talk to another yogi who was an elder in the community. After hearing her out, the elder said this:

“You can never tell with a yogi if to trust that he had another woman or not. I am myself a yogi and I realized this because sometimes one meets other people on other levels during meditation and things do happen sometimes. What can I say?”


This lady then left that elder with even more apprehensions about the yogi. From then onward she decided to keep a close watch just in case she would get more evidence of what the yogi was doing during meditation in some other level of existence which she could not perceive.


After a while, she noticed that nothing else use to happen even though the time of meditation kept on increasing. She returned to the elder and said to him:

“I cannot live with this person any longer. I am suspicious and cannot realize what he is experiencing, as to if it is another woman or whatever. Perhaps it is a deity. I do not know but it irritates me because he never gives me the interest that he seems to give to whatever or whoever he meets in meditation when he begins that smiling.”


The elder then replied,

“Yes, I agree. There is no telling who or what it is. It might be a sound he is hearing. They call it naad. Some yogis fall in love with this naad. I use to listen to it but I was warned not to listen too intensely because it steals away a yogi and becomes his lover.”


The lady left the elder but she also left that yogi and went to her father’s place because of feeling neglected by the yogi. She felt that he must have had another woman in some other supernatural place.





This story should give you some idea about the glories of becoming absorbed into naad sound resonance.

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