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No-Food Zone

On February 5, 2023, I was informed by a friend that a mutual acquaintance who has a terminal condition, ceased eating for seventeen (17) days. It is assumed that this person will not resume eating in his physical body. It is with terminal health issues.

This information reached me at a time, when I made some observations about a no-food zone in the astral existence. Some persons who were at a hermitage created by Yogeshwarananda in the astral world, were shifted by him to a higher astral place where the subtle body has no tendency for eating food. Instead it exists there in a bliss condition being infused by white-gold light energy from which the subtle body gets nourishment.

I find this place during breath infusion practice, when the subtle body and the physical one reaches a stage of saturation with fresh subtle energy and fresh physical air. At a certain stage during a session, this happens. Then I become aware of that level of existence which is the no-food zone. I usually perceive one or more of the yogi/yogini people who reside there.

On some occasions, to do breath infusion, one of these persons will descend to a lower level in the ashram. When I questioned a yogini about this she explained that when they are in the no-food zone, after some time, after some days, weeks or months, the subtle body develops some lower astral energy which forms in the lower trunk of the subtle body in multicolored beads. These, if left there will get heavier. Then they will be of such weight that they will cause the subtle body to shift from the no-food bliss zone, causing the yogi to come to a lower astral plane, from where an embryo may develop.

To avoid this rebirth possibility, yogis who are in the no-food bliss zone, frequently shifts back to an astral plane where breath infusion using bhastrika, or kapalabhati pranayama, can be done. This diffuses the beads, after which the subtle body is shifted upwards again.

There is a question:

What do the yogi/yogini do when residing in the no-food bliss zone?

The answer is: Meditation, with an objective of going to a yet higher level.

Spiritual absorption practice (samadhi) is better on the no-food level because the attention energy which is used involuntarily to acquire and use subtle food reduces the focus for the absorption practice. Absorption will be more intense and focused, if there is no tendency for eating.

If a yogi/yogini fails to develop the subtle body to its no-food astral zone, that means that rebirth is necessary because the impulse for eating will cause the subtle body to seek out an embryo where it can begin the eating process through a new baby form again.

How does this relate to not eating when the body is terminally ill?

Actually there is no relationship because the terminal condition prohibits the person from using the physical system to cause a transfer to the astral no-food bliss condition. Some yogis who develop resistance to physical eating and to subtle body nourishment from physical eating, can in the terminal stage of the body, shift to the no-food bliss zone but that is after long practice from years of digestion and excretion control. In the Puranas yogis who achieved this were mentioned. They gradually over years ceased solid food, then liquid food, then air intake was regulated, then taking any kind of nutrient which related to the physical body.

It is the connection of the physical to the subtle one that is the issue, in that the subtle body depends on subtle energy which is in physical substances. First one must cause the subtle body to cease its dependence on subtle energy which is generated from the physical system.

Electricity is not a physical substance, like for instance, a rock. And yet currently for the generation of electricity, engineers use physical substances like copper and iron. This shows that there is a dependence on physical materials for the creation of even subtler things like electricity. Thus, the mystery concerns how to eliminate the need for the physical materials or the physical body.

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