Negative Feelings on the Astral Side
A lady who was long deceased but who did not become an embryo as yet, came to see me on July 28, 2023. She was eager to speak.
She said this,
“I was surprised that everywhere I went in the astral existence, there are some negative features of physical life which remain the same. For instance, I noticed while I was alive physically, that women are covertly and openly competitive to each other. This is in regard to their relationship with men, where a woman who feels sexually attractive to a particular male, will do her best to foreshadow or push away any other woman who comes in the vicinity of that man.”
“On one side, men are obviously sexually aggressive. Men are expected to be competitive with each other in terms of partner choices. But women also have a constant rivalry, even though that is not as obvious as the males. For instance, when there is a public occasion, women exhibit their rivalry towards each other in the way they attire themselves. This includes the use of makeup.
“Sometimes when I meet a group of women in the astral existence, I find that the competitive energy between us arises with even greater impetus than when we were physically alive. This realization that the tendency for sexual rivalry continues hereafter is disappointing. I did not expect this. What is the situation?
“Why would a female friend, whom I knew during my teen years in my now dead body, be hostile to me and express suppression energies to me, because she liked someone who spoke to me when we were in high school so many years ago when we were physically alive.”
My reply was this.
Whatever tendency one has, whatever ingrained feeling or urge, that will remain as is, when one passes from the physical body. There is no change in the psyche when the physical system dies. What may happen is that a certain tendency may be muted for a time. Or it may be suspended. But it remains intact somewhere in the psyche. Some aspects remain under a spring-loaded psychological pressure. It is like a time bomb. It is in a harmless state, until a triggered is released by some action.
This means that whatever tendency one had during the physical life, that will be triggered sometime some how in the future. That teen friend had those feelings so many years ago but was unable to bring it to your attention. She suppressed it deliberately, or it was suppressed by an involuntary force in her psyche. But the pressure of it remained like a corked bottle of aged alcohol. If one removes the cork, the gas force within the bottle will be released.
When this person met you in the astral existence, the pressure in her psyche was released, because the social conditions which caused the suppression of the resentment towards you, was no longer present.
From one perspective, it is good that it was released. Otherwise, it would still be covertly present, and would increase in pressure, and would in the future explode with even more violence.
There is so much of what we find to be undesirable in the physical existence. It is the same with the psychic side of life. Somehow our expectations do not match reality. We need to adjust ourselves to that.