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Morality Complex

This is a listing and short description of the types of morality which are practiced in inSelf Yoga™. Generally speaking, most spiritual disciplines or processes are concerned with physical body morality but inSelf Yoga™ relegates that as being elementary.

Morality types:

  • physical body social morality
  • subtle body social morality
  • psyche adjuncts morality

Physical body social morality is an attempt to monitor and adjust the behavior of one’s physical body as it interacts with that others. The idea is to self-endorse and encourage positive behaviors which either reinforces or initiate social events which benefit those present at a social scene. In event there is a negative behavior, the individual should take actions of self control in making the physical body act for positive social responses.

Some of this is for the long term. Some is for the immediate value to be realized irrespective of the long-term outcome. The flaw in physical body social morality is that it does not take into account the subtle form. It is only concerned with immediate, extended or delayed formatting of physical events. This makes its use in inSelf Yoga™ limited in that what is done for the welfare of the physical body may not benefit the subtle form.

Subtle body social morality is very complicated. When compared to physical body morality, the subtle body type is complex and hard to figure. inSelf Yoga™ is concerned with this as being the elementary process which provides a base for tackling the more complex and abstract process of psyche adjuncts morality. A yogi must monitor his subtle body activities and know that these occur on levels of existence which are distinct from and remote to the physical life. Some of the subtle activities feed into the physical ones but the primary concern of the yogi is the subtle life which the astral form lives in dreams and astral projections.

The idea is to integrate into this subtle existence before the death of the physical system so that the yogi is well prepared for life hereafter and can be functional on the astral planes with no cravings for physical life after the physical system is no longer responsive to his willpower.

Subtle body social morality is not the same as physical morality. In the subtle world, there are different rules of morality according to the level the yogi functions in. He must learn the positive actions for each level, even if those actions are contrary to what produces desired results on the physical plane.

Psyche adjuncts morality occurs within the subtle body only. It does not include any environment except the energy within the psyche of the yogi. It is governance of the interplay between the coreSelf and its adjuncts, which are the sense of identity, intellect, kundalini and memory. The interaction of these is observed, monitored and adjusted so that the coreSelf has the upper hand. The intercourse between one adjunct and another, and between the coreSelf and an adjunct is tightly governed in the interest of the core. This is the ultimate morality which has no direct connection with either physical or subtle body morality between different individuals. For psyche adjunct morality it is one coreSelf and its adjuncts only interacting.

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