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Money on the Streets of Heaven?

In this world, money is so important that even yogis who claim to be renounced who say that they adore and become absorbed in samadhi, chamber after it. Some do so in obvious ways. Others who are modest do so in sneaky ways.



Why is money so compelling that even ascetics who abandoned sexual opportunities, chase it and by its acquirement come to ruin?


Imagine that monk (sannyasi) who set himself apart from ordinary people by taking a vow of sexual renunciation but who became involved in schemes for acquiring money and was eventually disgraced due to it.


Is sex less important than money?


Which is worse, the monk who was discovered breaching celibate vows or the one who extorted the rich and the poor and built a temple with the proceeds to acquire fame as the leading religious leader in the land?


Once some years ago while walking on a path I saw a twenty-five cent coin. As I considered acquiring it, a voice within my consciousness said, “No need for it. Seeing it is enough. Do not touch it.”


The voice came from a supernatural woman, a deity of opulence who supervised my access to finances. She gave no rhyme or reason for the instruction. I did not ask for one either. I noted the instruction. From then until now, I observed it.


Sometimes when I see a coin or money bill somewhere, there is an inclination to reach for it but this instruction is immediately flashed through my consciousness and that stops the development of the urge to reach for it.


The money acquirement game is played on the earth by everyone. It is not possible to avoid it. Somehow somewhere even the most renounced person gets involved in it. The achievement is not its elimination but rather the reduction of participation in handling funds. For higher states of consciousness, the ascetic should understand that money is lure which should for the most part be avoided. And yet, the ascetic should not be foolhardy to feel that it can be totally avoided. It cannot. Those ascetics who do not handle money live because others are handling it on their behalf.



Is there money on the streets of heaven?


By heaven I means subtle dimensions in which the miseries faced on earth, are conspicuous by absence.


There is money on the streets of heaven but there are no coins and dollar bills. There are precious gems and metals in every direction. Once I was in an astral world in which the only person present within my purview, was its deity. This person lived there all alone. He never expanded or expressed any other beings there. I had the desire to stay at that place because of the bliss feelings within the subtle body while I was there but the deity did not respond to that idea. His mood was that only a short visit was permitted. He said nothing. He smiled broadly and radiated divinity.


In that place in every direction there were precious gems sparkling. These were psychic and not physical substances. There was absolutely no desire to earn a living, to endeavor for anything. There was no adverse climate and no need to build a place for shelter. I wondered if I could stay at that place. However the deity had no intentions of permitting that at the time. Maybe sometime in the future I will return there. The problem is that unless it is the desire of the deity even a yogi with my proficiency cannot transit to that place. One cannot barge in. One can neither access nor locate it even if one were to search for millions of years. But if the deity desires for one to be in his presence, one may instantly be there.


Money on the Streets of Heaven?


O Yes!


But none of it is in use there as currency.


If he is used to exchanging money for commodities and services how would an earth-bound soul stay in such a place?

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