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Missing Naad

Student Report:


October 10 2016

practice lasted for about 45 minutes, meditation attempt was about 15 minutes.

I wore a blindfold during practice. 

Usually I can get kundalini to mildly rise. This session was different, it did not rise at all.

Nor did I hear naad sound, during and after session.

usually I do about 30 breath's, hold the locks, and hold that charged air once. 

Guru deva has told me to hold 3 times then move on to a different asana posture.

I could feel myself slowly focusing inword and moving the air where I wanted to go.


Mi~Beloved’s Response:


Usually a student should have some kundalini rise during each session. However many other things happen in the psyche that may obstruct this? For one thing the main rises occur due to mixture of hormonal energy with the breath infusion. Thus if that hormonal energy is missing, for whatever reason then the breath energy will be distributed but it will not mix with the hormonal energy and then the combination of breath energy with very little or no hormonal energy might cause that kundalini is not aroused for that session.


The three main causes of this in male students are:

  • ·      Strenuous physical work
  • ·      Use of alcohol or a consciousness-altering substance
  • ·      Sexual activity


Any of these reasons might cause that there is little hormonal energy in the psyche. However even if there is very little, if the student persist with the practice, there will come a time, when even there is depletion of the hormonal energy, still kundalini will rise.


Not hearing naad sound has to do with not being attentive in meditation to naad, not having a love affair with naad and having interest in other matters. Naad disappears for someone who has these other interests, even for a yogi.


However if the yogi was practicing sincerely he would be able to contact naad and resume the relationship. Look at it in this way, if your partner no longer loves you, then what caused that? Naad may be compared to a jealous partner who becomes irritable and disagreeable, vengeful, when the other one is found to have some other person of interest on his mind. Then of course the jealous person would have due to reason to be cold-hearted towards you.


My experience is that naad is like that. I used to ask student to treat naad as a dear lover. That suggestion makes sense when we consider that if we neglect to bond with naad, then it disappears for a time and leaves us hanging in an empty void mind or a mind which is assailed with many shallow thoughts.





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