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Miscarriages and the Ancestors

Replies (1)
    • The soul that is displaced from an embryo pre-birth must remain with the mother’s psyche for the forseeable future, until providential venues make allowance for a different set-up.

      For having failed the objective of using a humain form, that individual will necessarily harbor frustration that will translate into depression energy to be mulled over by the carrying mother, by direct psychic influence from association.  This can also extend to the “planting” or participating father to a more or less degree and depth, and according to the article in the original post the whole family can be affected. 


      That soul may obtain the next position in line for the same uterus or another’s. Yet, the mother may continue to be afflicted with depressive energies, due to her mental disposition and lack of clarity into it.

      Should that same person experience repeated failures to secure a human form, then it is expectable for them to be subjected to severe manic and or bi-polar type of depressive disorder whence their incarnation is successful. The onset of the symptoms could be noticeable even from infancy, and the condition would be unwittingly blamed on the mother.

      And, if the repeated failures are due to abortions, not only can the potential mother suffer deeper levels of depression for longer periods of times, but the hankering soul may additionally develop suicidal tendencies, and perhaps even be mass-murderous.


      Not only are vicious cycles created on the analyzable manifested side, they are also co-created in the subtle realm, shaping together concentric psycho-emotional vicious cycles.


      Artificial wombs that are going to see the day in the near future as a viable and (long) awaited alternatives, will similarly give humankind a machine tinged consciousness.


      Artificial wombs could soon be a reality. What will this mean for women?



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