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Memory of Childhood and Youth

Rishi Singh Gherwal showed a procedure for entering the stockpile of memories from early on in a present life. This would be from infancy through the juvenile years. Because those disrupt the desired focus, Patanjali outlawed the illustrations of memory during meditation. However, this meditation of Rishi concerns researching memory to understand its formation and one’s behavior when one was under parental care and did not have a developed discrimination.

The suggestion of Rishi is that during kundalini yoga, after the yogi masters sushumna nadi clearance, he should focus on infusing the trunk of the subtle body and causing kundalini to be aroused there. After there is some proficient in this, the yogi should observe the condition of the neck to be sure that the fleshy parts of the neck are cleared of polluted dense subtle energy.

This clearance of the trunk and neck will cause the yogi to have clear non-muddled recall of events from childhood with the ability to assess how much discrimination he was afforded at the time and to observe the condition of the sense of identity, as to if it knew there were past lives and past connections with others in those past lives.

A yogi can determine from this if his interest in using physical bodies is justified. He can assess that if again in another body, he will lose most of his discrimination, it may not be worth the while to become another embryo. With this in mind he can strive more aggressively for progress which will guarantee that he does not haphazardly become someone’s child.

During the session, Rishi entered my subtle body and went into the trunk of it. After about five minutes he came into the subtle head with a memory of some events which took place in 1966 in Trinidad. It was events which concerned my attendance at a private school which was conducted by a retired principal named Morain.

In one scene I sat next to another student of Indian descent. He regularly had hay fever, such that is eyelid were swollen. This was annoying for him. At the time my body was fifteen years of age. It had no firm information of a past life even though there were events in recall which were from past lives.

One may have events in recall from the past and not know precisely that these are of the past life. Or one may know of past lives and not identify a specific memory as being from a certain past life. Rishi wanted me to check to see if there was any information or realization about carnal knowledge at that time. Carnal knowledge means information about sexual affairs which was based on direct experience, either in the present or past life, especially feeding over from the past life.

As we examined the memory incidence, we found absolutely no carnal information from any past life, but we did see instinctive recognition about it. That however is not the same as definite memory. The incidence in particular which we example was one single visual and one single audio memory scene.

In the visual scene, I had to call the teacher from his residence which was the rear part of the building. When I went to do so, I met his wife along the path at the side of the building. I reported to her that he was needed because a visitor to the school inquired of him.

In the memory this was vivid. The lady was tall and buxom. In her form there was direct carnal knowledge. She was aware of it because it exuded from her subtle body’s aura. I saw the psychic energy but I did not interpret it as carnal knowledge or as the result of sexual intercourse experience. For her part, she was slightly annoyed to meet me on the path because she was in the process of suspending and compressing the sexual energy which radiated from her subtle body. Her experience of this was a sense of shame and a desire not to alert anyone that she was previously sexually engaged. This energy manifest as modesty, morality and sense of shame in her psyche. She felt that perhaps I saw the energy which I did. However even though I saw it because there was no explicit carnal knowledge in my awareness, it did not register as carnal knowledge but only as disgust on her part for meeting me before she could fold in those revealing psychic energies.

The second incidence, the aural memory, occurred when I sat at a desk. The voice of the principal was heard. He was in his residence at the rear of the building. His voice was loud so that it could be heard in the school part of the building. He spoke to his wife in a disciplinary tone. It had to do with quelling her emotional statements to him. In retrospect, with that audial recall, her body was in its menstrual course which resulted to extra sensitivity which he was intolerant of.

At the time however it did not register as being related to that. It registered as disagreement between sexual partners. There was no understanding about her mood necessities during the menstrual course. There was no link to carnal knowledge.

Rishi showed that information about carnality is lacking in the physical body in the infant and some juvenile years. In other words, one is naive during that period of the life of a body. Even if one gets the information from media or from an adult who is experienced, one cannot understand it because the experience memory of direct involvement from a past life is non-accessible.

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