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Memory Failure

Alerts are given about memory failure, but these alerts appeared quietly and mildly in the psyche. Due to this the coreSelf misses the notation and acts as if it does not have to be concerned. The self thinks that the psyche will tend to the incidences as usual.

As the body reaches the elderly years from about fifty-five (55) years to its death, there is a reduction in memory capacity, such that the mind retains less impressions of events and is less able to recall stored incidences.

One other observation is that some memories imprints are not stored in the psyche, such that a search for those events at a later time, results in finding no recall about them. This is called dementia.

A yogi can notice this happening in the body. He can notice that it occurs because of the deterioration of the brain, something that he cannot adjust but must succumb to.

One way out of this is to realize that the physical system must by the law of nature deteriorate. Thus, this is natural. One should not expect that it can be stopped. Another way to consider this is to check to see if one can adjust one’s assumptions and learn to make notations of events in other ways. For instance, one can write of incidences instead of being confidence that the mind will retain memory of them faithfully.

One may also consider if the incidences can be stored in the subtle body, rather than in the physical one. If it cannot then one may note it on the physical side or make the decision not to store and to release oneself from the need for recalling it in the future.

For instance, is it necessary to remember who one’s father was?

Memory failure is perplexing and should be considered by a yogi. It is his task to consider it, and study what nature will support, and what it will refuse to allow one to recall.

What can one do with information about one’s father, if it was stored in the subtle body? Can one use it hereafter in the astral world or when one assumes another physical form in the next body somewhere somehow where it is unlikely that one will again meet the father from this life?

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