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Memory during Meditation

During meditation on June 15, 2017, a deceased friend (Sir Paul Castagna) discussed a problem which occurs during meditation. This has to do with memory acquirement of the intellect which disturbs the meditator by arresting his (her) focus.


Recently we were meditating together with this friend entering my psyche during meditation and completing the same techniques at the same time. This is possible because he is no longer carrying a material body. There is a saying that the dead are more powerful than the living. That means that even though dead, those who are deceased are free of the energy expenditure of a physical body, hence with more reserved psychic energy, they can easily penetrate the aura of those who use physical bodies.

The conversation was this:



Why does the mind do that during the attempt at meditation, because it is not meditation until the mind ceases that activity of drumming up and displaying ideas? It seems that the mind compulsively does that. Why?



Initially when meditating there is a habit which develops which is that one tries to figure what the contents of the distraction-idea is. An idea arises during meditation. When the person realizes that he or she was distracted, there is this feeling of inquiry, this curiosity about the idea. There is a need to investigate it, to see what it is and where it may lead.


That tendency should be diverted so that the inquiry is into what the mind does, not the content of what the mind does. Stated more precisely, it is the action of the mind in conjuring the idea that is the concern not the idea or the content of the idea. What psychic mechanism in the psyche operates to drum up the thought? Wherefrom is this tendency? How does it operate?


As soon as the meditator finds that he or she was distracted from the focus, there should be insight into the operation of how the mind shifts from the focus into conjuring the idea and hypnotizing the observing self with it.



Let us go back to the meditation and observe this happening.



At this point we began the meditation again. The objective ion was the fuse the core-self into the naad sound which occurs in the back of the subtle head, mostly on the right back side in this instance.

After a time there was the same shift of mind, where the observing selves noticed that they were engaged in ideas conjured by the intellect.


My friend said this:


There it is again, the shift. How did it happen? Why did we not observe it? It was so instantaneous that we could do nothing about it. However, I noticed that it was a memory which was illustrated.


Mi~Beloved responded:


Yes it comes from memory, from a confidential backdoor-to-backdoor relationship between the intellect which is the conjuror and the memory chamber which provides the subject which will be illustrated. There is a romantic attraction between the intellect and the memory chamber, such that the intellect leaves aside the core-self and its meditation-objective and goes to the memory to receive an impression from it to illustrate (conjure). This happens impulsively and is not plotted.



Can we break the romance between the intellect and memory?

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