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Marriage ~ Sub-gods and Men

A friend who in the immediate previous existence was in the celestial astral world as an important manager for a sub-god invited me to visit that celestial place to see how he reestablished himself there as before.


Currently he uses a material body but in preparation for its death, he endeavors to resume his familiarity with the celestial place. One way to do this is to reconnect with others who either are living in that place or who were familiar with such places.


A person who was resident in such a place in the past life, may resume that existence after death of the physical form. That might happen because of the nature of that person’s subtle body, such that even if the person does not endeavor to relocate, he or she will do so by the force of the energy in the subtle body.


Some people go to a heavenly world hereafter because they are invited to such a place by the god of the locale. Others go there because of merits generated while living in the physical world and doing pious activities who amount to recognition by the gods. Some others do so by forced entry whereby even though they are neither invited nor recognized they develop a power which causes their entry.


When I arrived at this friend’s celestial place, he sat at a low ornate table with one of the women to whom he was married on earth. He is still using his physical body and on earth, he is currently divorced from that woman. He sat at the head of the table. The woman sat to his right. I sat to his left. As a matter of courtesy I did not initiate a conversation. I waited for him to speak. Behind him, there was a celestial bay window, through which one could see the celestial plants and landscape. Needless to say, as it is in these places, it was very sensually appealing.

For meals everything was sumptuous. All foods were of a higher order with absolutely no flesh products and no food acquired by violent means.


The woman at the table, one of his former earthly wives, was happy to be at the occasion. She ate a little of this and little of that. All the while, my friend flashed a memory video showing that when they were married on earth, she became unhappy because he took a second woman as her co-wife. She was disinclined to polygamy and left him as a result.


Then I replied mentally in a way which only he could hear. I said:

How does it work for the gods and you sub-gods, where in heavenly places, you have so many wives while on earth you are tolerated with only a single woman, and must obliged the legal system which permits serial monogamy.


He did not reply. Instead his guru who is physically deceased appeared there in a hidden subtle dimension where only I could see him. He replied to my query with this statement:


My disciple could not cover the liabilities of having co-wives on earth. There it is different because things do not appear by mere wish.



After this that woman who sat with us at the table, disappeared from that heavenly place. Her subtle body became interspaced into her physical form on earth. She resumed a distressed attitude in regards to being divorced. She remembered a conversation she had with me physically some years ago. That is as much as her physical awareness recalled.

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