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Mantra Transportation



They came from India with mystery and promise but they fail miserably in most cases. A belief about a mantra is that if it is whispered in the ear by the pure spiritual master, it will have effect but not otherwise. And yet, many went to verify this and were disappointed.



I got a mantra from a supernatural being who was in the head of my subtle body. Then again I got the same mantra from a deceased sannyasi in the astral world. Basically they said that the mantra should be used to bring the mind into a state of meditation, where once the meditation begins in earnest I should release the mantra, not repeat it any longer, but engage in meditation.


Later while using this mantra, I reached another deceased sannyasi who entered my subtle head in a miniature form. He explained that he used a mantra which was a gayatri mantra to the sun-god originally but he used it to bring his psyche to order for meditation. I told him that I got this certain mantra which was different to the gayatri mantra he used and that I was confident about the mantra. He said that he used the sun-god gayatri mantra but that he did not use it for addressing that deity but only to bring his mind to order. He claimed that thousands of repetitions of that mantra served the purpose intended even without thinking of the sun-god.


The mantra I used is not a confidential gayatri mantra. It is a well-known commonly used mantra in India. Millions of ordinary people who do not meditation and who are not monks or sadhu pious people use the mantra. It has no special secrecy and one does not have to be with one’s ear under the mouth of a holy man to get this mantra.


However on the basis of the deity who gave me the mantra and the sannyasi who suggested it, I use it. At first it has no effect. It was just like repeating any other sound. Based on faith in the deity and the sannyasi I used it for some years. In this instance as in some others, I complete an instruction merely because I was told to do so by someone trustworthy.


After some years, once, a Shiva deity appeared when I used the mantra. He used a body of light, a light like moonlight. I was glad to be in his company but I did not say anything.

He said this: “It has some value. Keep using it. You will derive a connection from it.”


After saying that I was ejected from the level of existence where that deity was located. I considered that the instruction was enough to encourage me to use the mantra even though it had no, so far, resulted in anything spectacular.

Some months after this, while driving a car from Miami to Sarasota in Florida, suddenly I heard a voice say, “Switch off the radio. Use the mantra. Touch the thumb to each finger with like this for completion of each recitation of the mantra.”


That was the voice of Yogeshwarananda. I recognized him. He continued speaking, “It will have to be recited so many times with attention before it yields the result. The more you do it attentively the faster it will give the benefit. One day suddenly it will function in the right way.”


This was not a very potent instruction. It was not the kind of instruction where there is a force in it, whereby one feels compelled to comply. However it had in it an interest of deep concern and a compassion energy which was attractive.


Some months after during a meditation session, I realized that I was saying the mantra. In other words, I said the mantra but was not objective to the recitation. It was a subconscious act. Then suddenly I was aware that I said the mantra and then I felt a shift as if the mantra acted as canoe which transported me into the naad sound resonance. It took me away from the frontal part of the subtle head where the riff-raff sounds and images are generated which keeps the yogi from deep absorption. I was transported in the mantra, like someone in a canoe into the naad sound.


From then on, this mantra served that purpose where even if I am not deliberately trying to reach naad where even if I am involved in distracting sounds and images, the mantra becomes evident and transports me into naad sound. This saves much energy during meditation.


Some Types of mantra recitation:


bhajan – choir chanting with congregants listening

kirtan – choir chanting with congregants participating as customary

japa – individual chanting with the same individual listening

ajapa – individual murmuring with tongue and lips moving

manas (mansik) - individual chanting mentally with mento-emotional focus as advised by teacher



In the experience above I used the manas individual introspective chanting of the mantra. Many persons who use mantras are fanatical about the method. Once when I lived in a spiritual community, I was threatened by a leading sannyasi because I used the manas method. He was offended because the leader of the sect established kirtan and japa methods only. For them mental chanting (manas) was anathema.

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