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Male Masturbation and its Buyins

In the general interest and following up on the particular topic of masturbation, that which may be for humans irrespective of cultures and times, the most coveted initial intimate exposure and exploitation of sexual en-joy/ment, an additional point or so, I can mention. This is irrespective of fund of knowledge, practice or background.

The presence of the pleasure reservoirs within the mind psyche complex depicted as dopamine and its intercourse with the primal, lambic system connected with the impulsive erratic life force make it nearly impossible for mere human to assess the implications of sexual discharging. Yet, it is part of Nature’s way of prioritizing reproduction of the species, but that becomes conjugated with human tendency for exploitation and exaggeration so long as it is pleasurable and there is still a drop to be squeezed out.

Because throughout the species this is so important to Nature, she makes special amenities for it. In the case of animals in a natural environment, certain seasons when nourishment is plentiful and the weather is additionally favorable will they engage in their natural /holy missions of intercourse and reproduction.

Although the demoded calculation of the ancients in the vedas to only conceive at an indicated time for auspicious births seems like an overreach and totally extreme today, still the (hu)mankind is essentially the same, therefore some care should be taken to avoid exacerbation.

Now still, it is to be understood (particularly by yogis) that Nature is taking special care, and has been since the dawn of times to ascertain the prioritizing of the reproductive apparatus and its entire orchestration of hormones and other fluids/lubricants. This is the gateway to a new body!

It takes about a full trimester for a sperm to fully form unlike the lubricant. It is then carefully stored in an extremely intricate system of tubules, and at the agreeable temperature outside of the body in the testis. The ejaculate itself, is the lubricant combined with the living sperm cells for expulsion and propulsion. And, immediately thereafter, the male typically feels the vacuity, manifested in some combination of the need to replenish in nutrients and rest (appreciated as tension released/ relaxation). So it only takes nine months to make a human baby is a lopsided view, although the normal consensus.

The reason again is that it is top priority to make new sperm cells, the only living organisms a (hu)man can ever produce (as opposed to urine, feces, phlegm, blood, bile and pus). And this production demands the highest quality of nutrients consumed. Unlike a commercial fake contraband production chain, Nature will not short change its process of genes/DNA..’ stockpiling. The making of the lubricant along with the pleasurable spastic propulsion system are separate, and not the concern of this explanation.

So overdoing masturbation in an addictive fashion (especially beyond a prime age when the body is most effective in replenish and restoring) is almost like borrowing (vital) energy against one’s future, the side effects of which may show perhaps years down the road.

Though psychically more similar, physically the females’ apparatus functions very differently. Still, they produce ovums (completed by the time of birth!) and maintain them until menopause. Female masturbation and it’s production of fluids is not as compromising organically. Societal studies have consistently indicated that women on average live longer than men, that is despite the toll multiple pregnancies can have on a system.


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