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Loka Dimensional Realms

In the Vedic literature, there is itemized seven higher spheres of living or environments. In descending order these are usually termed as:


  • Satyaloka
  • Tapoloka
  • Janaloka
  • Maharloka
  • Swargaloka
  • Bhuvaloka
  • Bhuloka


The least of these seven higher environments is bhuloka of which the earth is part. This is mostly a physical existence with some habitable and some inhabitable parts.


The next higher zone, bhuvaloka is described as being between the earth and the sun. Even the siddhas make use of this realm which is mostly subtle environment. Siddhas are those ascetics who become resistant to needing physical bodies and who can continue their efforts at elevation without having to be physical. An ascetic if his subtle body cannot resist attraction to biological coupling for generating bodily forms, cannot remain in the bhuvalok area and will resume an embryo which he could use for completing yoga austerities.


Rh next higher area is swargaloka which is the conventional heaven for those who faithfully do Vedic rites which involve calling and appeasing Vedic deities. A question arises as to why the siddha are stationed below this place rather than above it. Actually there is another siddha realm which is slightly above the Swargaloka place but that realm is accessed only by those yogis whose subtle bodies become invisible when they pass through the Swargaloka dimensions.

The other yogis who reach the siddhaloka which is below Swarga are protected from the ravishing pleasures experienced in the Swarga angelic world, a place that is positively delusional.


Above Swarga are the four highest of the places one can be with the supped up subtle body we currently use the lowers of these places is termed Maharloka. Everyone living in such a place has no desire for physical creature existence. For instance sexual intercourse does not arise in the mind in that place. Begetting children is never thoughts of. There are no ideas having to do with eating, sleeping mating and defending as we are habituated to.


I did a session of breath-infusion using the bhastrika pranayama method in various postures. After some time, for about half hour, the subtle body became so charged with fresh energy, that it begin to twinkle with bliss energy slowing flashing in every part of it. This lit up like thousands of fairy lights in the subtle body. It was as if that form was composed of twinkling lights only.



Then I became aware of Yogeshwarananda who said, “That is a maharloka subtle body. People who stay in that realm experience that bliss state as the continuous condition of their bodily feelings. Below maharloka, is Swargaloka where they take a beverage called amrita which causes their subtle forms to have a similar bliss feeling continuously. In Swargaloka the bliss feelings are not as intense and pleasurable as in maharloka and the Swargaloka people  must take the beverage to feel this supernatural happiness.”

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