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Kundalini Sensation-Pull-up

Cell kundalini practice concerns the release of micro-kundalinis in any part of the subtle body. The energy is collected, compressed and released in a controlled way. When this practice is consistent, the student should pay attention to any minor kundalini release anywhere in the psyche. He (she) should note neutral bliss releases which are not as sensational as spinal kundalini release but which are important just the same.


It takes time to get accustomed to neutral energy, because the craze in conventional material existence is sex pleasure which is sensational. Since nature endows one with an appetite for that convention, when one comes to practice kundalini yoga, one has an eye out for something which is similar to sex climax pleasure. Hence if the student only gets a neutral bliss experience, he or she will not be impressed by the practice, and might even fail to continue it.


Neutral kundalini releases from a bunch of cells in any part of the subtle body is slight. The student may not even recognize it as being important. This is like when a person is used to eating spoons of honey. If he is offered spoons of diluted honey, he will be disappointed.




Srila Yogeshwarananda, at this astral yoga school has many students who have left aside spinal kundalini practice, and are doing cell kundalini. He was teaching recently that the students should do cell kundalini and get used to the neutral energy. Then when this practice is firm, the student should do sensation-pull-up, which is the preparatory stage of being able to tell the psyche what to do with just a willpower command. At that stage, the student is ready to leave aside hatha yoga practice which is a forceful practice using the physical body.


If the student does not advance like this, his position in the astral world hereafter will be such that he will have to take another material body to practice hatha yoga. It would mean that his willpower did not become strong and directive enough to command sensation movements in the psyche.


In this practice of inSelf Yoga™ there is no hype and false expectations. The student must work bit by bit over time to gain a foothold. Everything has to be tested as one advances. One begins this practice with physical actions to cause subtle effects but then one should move on to where using only subtle actions one can have the subtle effects.


For the sensation-pull-up practice, the student uses finger nails to scratch parts of the body. When that happens sensations are released. As they are released, these are commanded to move in various directions, mostly upwards through the subtle body.



The same type of practice is used when one does asana postures, where in stretches, when energy is released, one pulls that energy up through the subtle body or one compresses the said released energy and causes it to implode first and then explode outwards.

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