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Kundalini / Pubic Flare

Pubic flare kundalini is the experience, of a flare-up of kundalini energy from the pubic region. This may happen while doing breath infusion using kapalabhati/bhastrika pranayama practice. It is likely to happen when an advanced student clears the sushumna nadi spinal passage so that the kundalini is no longer suppressed or anchored at the muladhar base chakra.

Then, because the sushumna nadi remains cleared continuously, the kundalini is transferred into the brain and loses its grip on the base chakra which is at the tailbone of the spine. Due to this development, the infused energy is no longer attracted to the kundalini at the base. Instead the infused energy accumulates here or there in the trunk of the subtle body or elsewhere. As it fills that place, it is compressed into itself repeatedly. Then it fires from that place. It may flare up or down from any area or zone.

In one experience where was a flare from the pubic area, where the energy had no sexual polarity interest and the resulting bliss feelings were unlike sexual climax electrical pleasure experience.

This bliss energy has a warm cool flutter which shimmers up and dangles up having an antigravity rift. It comes up through the trunk of the body. It saturates the trunk with a water-white translucent energy and with a bliss happiness which is not neutral and is not overpowering.

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