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Kundalini Periodic Practice

Have you ever wondered why you get fantastic kundalini rises if you stop doing breath-infusion practice for a while and then begin again after weeks or months?


Have you ever wondered why you may not get such fantastic rises if you do practice daily?


The fantastic rises are evidence of the fact that there is a block in the sushumna nadi central passages, so that when you do not do breath infusion with stretches for a time, the block increases. So that if you do begin a session of exercises again, there will be a rush of energy if the block is opened during the session.


Kundalini is resident at muladhar chakra. Its method of intense pleasure experience is mainly sexual pleasure where it does not move up the spine at first but does so only after the climax of the experience, after kundalini thrust itself through the sexual organ chakras (not the sex chakra on the spine).


In kundalini yoga practice, this same kundalini at muladhar chakra takes assistance from the sex organ chakra but does not release itself through the sex organ chakra. It does so through the sex chakra on the spine but with such impetus that it bores its way, tunnels it way upward pass the sex chakra on the spine, through the navel chakra, heart chakra, through the neck, into the head of the subtle body.


There is a block just above the sex chakra on the spine, at the small of the back, the place where the lower spine bends if one leads backward. During breath infusion with postures, this block is penetrated by the kundalini energy and it causes a rush of energy into the head which is interpreted as a bliss energy.


If one does not do practice daily, Energy accumulates below this block point on the spine. Thus when one does practice after not doing practice for a time, there is a sensational rush of the accumulated energy as it penetrates the block. This is why students who cease the practice for a time, find that when they begin again, they get intense pleasures through the spine and in the head of the subtle body.



Students who do practice regularly should also have kundalini rises but if such rises are not as sensational, they should not be dismayed. If the sushumna nadi remains clear and does not have block points, then it means that there will be continuous flow of kundalini energy through the spine with no accumulation and then release of that accumulated energy because the energy passes freely.



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