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Kundalini Management

Once the ascetic has a sure method of raising kundalini on a daily basis, a reliable method which works at least say about 85% of the time, he or she should continue using that method for at least three to five years daily. This will allow the sushumna nadi central channel to be bored out completely, so that kundalini always radiates freely through it even when the ascetic is not doing breath infusion.


Mastering the rise of kundalini through the spine, takes practice, months if not years of practice. Once this is achieved, the student should confront the kundalini as it moves up the spine, so that it is attacked by breath energy from the top which smashes into it, the way a small nuclear charge smashes into a large quantity of nuclear elements before the explosion.


This means that as kundalini rises up through the spine, the ascetic will again begin breath infusion but this time, it will be to force energy into the kundalini as it rises through the spine. This will cause kundalini to be shell-shocked. It will be so surprised that it will become stunned.


This will result in its fragmentation into tiny micro-pixels which will shatter out and try to spread this way or that way. Due to the application of physical and psychic locks, kundalini will have to remain where it is and become intensified. Then the ascetic can look at it, like the pilot of a shielded aircraft who observes a nuclear explosion. This type of perception is pranavision.



While before, the ascetic used to feel the bliss force caused by kundalini in the head of the subtle body. This experience will be in the trunk or in the trunk and neck as if those parts were a brain. Kundalini for its part will be shunned out of its mind and will become a blunt bliss force. The fight between the kundalini and the core-self will continue on and on but at this stage, the core-self will be the undisputed victor.

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