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Kundalini In-Psyche Kiss

There is nothing like a sweet kiss. It is quite memorable. Many poets extolled it through the ages. It takes a partner however and cannot be experienced when alone.


In Kundalini Self-Tantric, no partner is required. There is a discovery of a partner living in the psyche already, where the completion of polarity is conducted all alone and with full satisfaction, such that one does not desire a partner and does not miss one.


Breath-infusion as bhastrika or kapalabhati pranayama is an essential part of self-tantric. Why? Because that practice infuses fresh subtle energy into the psyche, causing it to transit to higher dimensions where the dullness and baser passions are escaped. The yogi enters higher realms and experiences different lifestyles and energy shifts. Breath-infusion causes a break from the usual flat meditation which goes nowhere or which is enhanced by visualizations and creative thinking.


Instead of visualizing higher states and inducing self-happening, breath infusion causes a direct shit into higher levels of consciousness where bliss aspects reside and are experienced spontaneously. That is a transfer to real other dimensions which are not reliant on being created or supported by one’s imagination.


Recently during September of 2017, while doing an early morning vigorous session of breath infusion, I had an experience of a kiss of kundalini within the psyche. At first I could not distinguish the experience well enough to formulate a description of it. However it was repeated and during the repeat, I got a clear view of the energy transit and quality.


First I noticed two tightly formed half-disc lips kissing in the central chest. When the two lips met there were sparkles of bliss. The lips were translucent. They were being pushed up by waves of bliss energy which originated in the calves and behind the knees. From there this energy pushed itself up into the lower torso and then flashed and flashed higher and higher until it exuded two lips which met in the central chest giving a neutral bliss energy which was translucent and lovely.


For the most this experience lasted three minutes. When it subsided, I did the same posture again and continue doing some more breath infusion. Then again the same thing happened where the lips kissed again. It was then that I felt the compulsion to share a description.



The posture in which I experienced this was a standing position with the fingers pinching and pulling the skin behind the knees, while doing breath-infusion vigorously without any laziness or stupor energy, without any lower passion energy being predominant in the subtle body.

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