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Kundalini as Manager of Psyche

The ideal is that the coreSelf (atma) manages the psyche. The convention is that the kundalini uses the core as a spokesperson for the kundalini management of the psyche.



Who or what is in control?


Recently I was in a circumstance where I could observe the behavior of toddlers, children between the ages of one and five years of age. I was keen to check this to review the body I used at that age in retrospect. Was my behavior at that state similar to theirs? Was my world view and my relationship to everything around me similar to theirs?


Did I really feel that if I did not get my way, I should cry or scream in protest; that I should disrupt whatever was around me?


Did I feel that my parents and relatives were there to serve me, and that they should be at my beck and call?


Did I acclaim myself and try to put myself as the center of an occasion which was something meant to centralize someone else, even someone who was not related to me?


Who is in control of the body?


And for those who feel there is no self, the question is phrased like this:


What controls the body?




My information is that unless the coreSelf can successfully wrestle with the kundalini and seize much of its controlling levels which dictate what the psyche will do, the kundalini will remain in charge of the body. In addition the core cannot seize control of every function because the core cannot get a handle on each function directly. It is required to contact some functions indirectly through the sense of identity, intellect or kundalini.


Even the initial formation of the body is conducted by the kundalini with the coreSelf on standby as a subsidiary but essential power supply. The presence of the core is necessary for the formation of the embryo but the major energy operation is conducted in the kundalini not the core. However the core must be present for the kundalini to conduct its complicated creation discourse.


The big voice of the coreSelf is the sense of identity, which tags out as a spokesperson for the psyche. However this spokesman is a farce. It merely is a frontage for the operations of the kundalini. The core would have to abandon dishonesty to realize that it is useful in misrepresenting itself. It would have to admit that it is a token master of the senses.


That would produce coreSelf humility which is the first step in the progress for self-realization.


The sounding of a big hurrah by stating that the core is the controller of the psyche only increases the dishonestly perpetrated by the core. It postpones the insight which is necessary for beginning self-realization.


No matter how self-realization terminates, as to what conclusion the yogi may have then, it begins with the understanding that one is limited. That is the honesty. Never mind the slogan that one is God. That does not serve the purpose of beginning the quest from where one is located initially. To begin one should face reality head on.


What God became limited at some point in history?

What a travesty?

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