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Kriya Yoga Farce?

A friend who was deceased recently, reached me astrally to insist that one of his deceased gurus, Swami Hariharananda, must not be as advanced as claimed.


This friend said this:

He cannot be as self realized as he said because I followed his methods and did not get the results intended. I checked with some other senior disciples, and when I question them they too do not get the result. What we got was the lope of the result. I kept myself with that hope in an open way, waiting for the day when the results would manifest.


I know for sure that without raising kundalini one can get the result. The method of sitting to meditate without doing pranayama breath infusion practice, does not result in raising kundalini, even though it might happen that it raises rarely in one or two persons very sporadically.


My view now is that the kriya meditation he taught is a farce. I am sorry to be the one to declare that. If I did not use your method and did not experience what kundalini really is and its effect on the meditations when it is raised, I would never have come to this conclusion.


The idea that by sheer willpower one will become enlightened is totally false as far as I am concerned. Pranayama and other disciplines must be in the mix because right now the mind does not respond to willpower to become upgraded to higher planes, even though one can imagine that it does or even though it will do so every once in a while but rarely.


As to if Michael Beloved feels that the Swami in question is a farce:


 It is really not my concern if he is or is not. The main thing is that the burden for advancement rest with the student’s self-honesty. One should seek out a teacher and/or method which allows one to make progression. One should be honest with oneself to the degree that one can detect when one is making progress and should be diligent with the process.

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