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Krishna’s Spiritual Plane

Every great teacher of spiritual knowledge and experience, defined in one way or the other, a spiritual plane, a place where one would be free from unpleasant traumas. In some descriptions there will be no person left to enjoy that place but there would only be that place and nothing else, like a place known for instance as nirvana which is not a place but a state in which there is no individuality just sheer non-traumatic energy.


Then again there are spiritual teachers who describe a place with persons in which there is only blissful relationships and feelings and no unpleasant trauma.


There is a description in the Bhagavad Gita, which I translated:


न प्रहृष्येत्प्रियं प्राप्य
नोद्विजेत्प्राप्य चाप्रियम् ।
ब्रह्मविद्ब्रह्मणि स्थितः ॥५.२०॥
na prahṛṣyetpriyaṁ prāpya
nodvijetprāpya cāpriyam
brahmavidbrahmaṇi sthitaḥ (5.20)


na — not; prahṛṣyet — should become excited; priyaṁ — dear item or favorable circumstance; prāpya — having attained; nodvijet = na — no + udvijet — should detest; prāpya — having obtained; cāpriyam = ca — and + apriyam — something unpleasant; sthirabuddhir = sthira — stable + buddhiḥ — intelligent; asaṁmūḍho = asammūḍhaḥ — without confusion; brahmavid — a person who continually experiences the spiritual reality; brahmaṇi — on the spiritual plane; sthitaḥ — situated


Having attained a desired item or favorable circumstance, a person should not become excited. Having attained something unpleasant, he should not detest it. With stable intelligence, without confusion, a person who continually experiences the spiritual reality, remains situated on the spiritual plane. (5.20)



Obviously, this pertains to people who are indifferent even to their own happiness, their own response to pleasant and much desired sensations and excitements.


Such a person is brahmavid (brahmavit), one who is focused on the brahman spiritual plane of existence and is not compelled impulsively to endure pleasant or unpleasant sensations derived from the physical body.


Such sensation imposes itself on others, effectively depriving them of contact with the spiritual plane.


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