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Krishna / Brahma Nirvana Described

There is a summary description of brahma nirvana by Krishna in the Bhagavad Gita. Please consider it (my English translation):



यतीनां यतचेतसाम् ।

अभितो ब्रह्मनिर्वाणं

वर्तते विदितात्मनाम् ॥५.२६॥



yatīnāṁ yatacetasām

abhito brahmanirvāṇaṁ

vartate viditātmanām (5.26)


kāmakrodhaviyuktānāṁ = kāma — desire + krodha — anger + viyuktānāṁ — of the separation from; yatīnāṁ — of the ascetics; yatacetasām — of those whose thinking is restrained; abhito = abhitaḥ — very close; brahmanirvāṇaṁ — cessation of material existence, assumption of enlightened spirituality; vartate — it is; viditātmanām — of those who understand the spiritual self


The cessation of material existence and assumption of enlightened spirituality is soon to be attained by those ascetics whose thinking is restrained and who understand the spiritual self, and are separated from desire and anger. (5.26)




This is thoroughly consistent with Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras.


A total discipline of the conventional mental and emotional fluctuations is required. Patanjali listed these as being five:


  • Correct Analysis
  • Incorrect Analysis
  • Imagination
  • Sleep
  • Memory


Total insight into the atma individual spiritual self must be experienced. Desire and anger must be absent in the psyche. This means there must be tranquility and a lack of conscious and subconscious prejudice.


The response-relationship between the material nature and the atma individual spiritual self must be intercepted so that the play between the two is terminated. This is called nirvana or abstraction away from the physical and psychic material natures.

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