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Kirtanananda Returns Stolen Checks

When I lived at New Vrindavan, there was an incidence where the authority of the farm seized two checks which came in the mail to me. As it went I arrived there after selling a small property in another state. The lady who purchased the place was supposed to make monthly payments to me which were under two hundred dollars ($200). This was in 1979-1980.


After some time, having not received the checks, I consulted a realtor (Marhula) who said he would question the lady about the missing checks. When he did he found out that the checks were sent. He sent me photocopies of the cancelled checks which were stamped with the official New Vrindavan Community signature.


Understanding then that Kirtanananda seized the checks, envelopes and all and did not inform me, I decided to remain silent about it. But I told the realtor to tell the lady not to send any more checks until I would give her another address.


After this I rented a mailbox at the Moundsville Post Office and used that as an address for any more correspondence. I was surprised when I got to the Post Office because I saw two other persons in the building clearing their mail. These were persons who were part of the Board of the New Vrindavan Community. Even these persons were afraid of Kirtanananda taking their mail.


His procedure was to get every bit of mail which came to anybody at the 500 plus member community. He would go through the envelopes, scope them out, take what he wanted and delivered whatever he wanted.


This was at a time when this leader of the community had thousands of dollars coming into the community directly to himself on a daily basis. It is difficult to understand why a person who has thousands of dollars being given to him daily would take one hundred plus dollars from someone else who got that amount of money monthly. But Kirtanananda was a possessive person. He ran a community for Bhaktivedanta Swami whose philosophy was that everything belongs to Krishna. Bhaktivedanta and his society were the representatives of Krishna on earth with rights to collect for Krishna everything since Krishna owned everything by his view.


I never discussed the theft of the checks with Kirtanananda. However on September 22, 2015, he came astrally. He was all smiles. He presented to me two astral copies of the checks. I said to him, “I do not need those checks. Give it to the person for whom you took them in the first place.”


I followed this statement by telling him that there was something he could do which was to find the person who issued the check to me and rectify the inconvenience his taking the check caused that person in being accused of not mailing the checks, and having to go to the bank to get photocopies of the rendered signatures on the back of the checks.


He replied that his primary concern about it was that he took the property of a brahmin and that was a sin by the Vedic system of judgement.


I replied:


If a brahmin curses someone who steals the brahmin’s property, then the brahmin becomes tied to that person and must take birth if the incidence is to be settled in some future life of the offender. While if the brahmin does not curse the person and remains detached from the incidence, he will not be tied to the offender and will not be obligated by destiny to take rebirth to settle the incidence. Hence it makes no sense for a brahmin to take offense if his property is stolen.


Besides this however there are laws of nature which operate irrespective of if the brahmin accuses or does not accuse, is offended or is not offended by the theft of property.


I also told Kirtanananda that he should go to the person for whom he stole the checks and give those checks to that person. Or at least get a solution to be relieved of the faulty act from that person. What have I to do with the checks or the theft by Kirtanananda?


Nearly everyone one of the humans in the material world is money-crazy. I am so disgusted with this attitude about money, where people would harangue me over money or over how I use it. I do not give a damn about it. Let Kirtanananda eat the checks. Money is a nuisance. I have no intention of losing any sleep over it. I love sleep more than I love money, so I will not be bothered with its theft.


This universe is a closed system like a corked bottle with germs in it. Not one of the germs or anything else in the environment of the bottle can escape from it. No one can take anything out of this physical or psychic material nature.


If God is so hard up for money that he has to have Kirtanananda confiscate it from someone who has very little of it, then that is a sorry God indeed.

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