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Isolation of the Self

First, the self is ill-defined. Most do not know what it is. Some shun it and feel that its elimination would end all misery, because if there is no target there can be no bullseye to receive the bullet.

inSelf Yoga™ admits a target which is the enduring self. some argue against this and prove that if the self is the socially constructed identity of a body which began as an embryo, there is no enduring self. However, that is a mute argument because the enduring self is not the socially constructed self but is the coreSelf around which a socially identity is repeated created as it transmigrated through physical and psychological realms and is either assigned or acquires a suitable identity which is serviceable in the environment it found itself existing in.

There are various degrees of isolation of this coreSelf but since it has difficulty sorting itself from its perception equipment, it is necessary that it begin to isolate itself with the idea of itself being a misconception. To be practical it must begin with thinking of itself as the socially constructed self.

This means that it begins with the idea of itself as a physical body. It goes into isolation with that view. It goes to a place where it is not easy to have contact with other human beings, so that physically it cannot be reached by them. If possible, it does so without telling others where it is located. It goes to an area where it is not known by any other person who lives in the vicinity.

This is physical isolation. After doing this for a time, this self should realize that physical isolation does not necessarily include psychic quarantine. In fact, physical isolation may cause an increase in psychic exposure, where the person cannot be physically contacted by others and he/she cannot physically contact others, but the thoughts and feelings from others reach that person intensely, so that mentally and emotionally there is no quarantine. The realization is that physical isolation is a failure from the psychic angle.

This type of physical isolation means that the physical body cannot be reached. It is like the condition of a dead person. In the case of deceased people, their being dead does not mean that their existence was terminated. They can be reached psychically. They can mentally and emotionally assault living or dead persons.

There is psychic isolation which does not include a physical body. However, that can happen both to living yogis and to deceased ones. The deceased one can practice that to the extreme because he/she does not have a physical system which is always connected to the subtle body.

In meditation, a yogi can practice psychic isolation. This is done by controlling responses to incoming thoughts and feelings, where the yogi acts so that thought and feeling energies from others do not make contact with his/her psyche.

Apart from physical body isolation and subtle body isolation, there is a deeper isolation which is not part of the social scene. This is coreSelf isolation from the adjuncts in the psyche. These adjuncts are:

  • sense of identity
  • intellect
  • memory
  • kundalini lifeForce

Of these four, the first, sense of identity is fused to the coreSelf such that the core cannot be isolated from it. I will leave aside the sense of identity. I will discuss the other three listed adjuncts.

The intellect influences the sense of identity. Since that sense of identity is fused to the coreSelf, that core is susceptible to the intellect’s hold on the sense of identity. To curb the relationship between the intellect and the sense of identity, the core should regulate the sense of identity’s interest in the actions of the intellect. The core must pull back the self of identity’s interest energy whenever it is discovered that the sense of identity submitted to the influence of the intellect without consultation with the core.

The intellect for its part is influenced by memories and the kundalini lifeForce, which in turn, is influenced by the sense organs but these organs were originally produced by the kundalini as informants for both the kundalini and the intellect.

If the intellect is controlled, the lifeforce will automatically be controlled because the two are inexplicably linked. The intellect has a two-source power supply. One of these is the kundalini which provides the intellect with psychological energy. The other is the sense of identity, which provides supernatural energy. For completion of thoughts, ideas and image formation, the intellect requires energy from both factors, from the kundalini and from the sense of identity. Hence if the core can regulate the energy flow from the sense of identity to the intellect, the intellect would be restricted in operations and would not be free to indulge itself with the kundalini.

Isolation! Isolation! Isolation!

If the sense of identity is isolated from the intellect, there can be control of the psyche by the coreSelf but not otherwise.

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