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Hridaya Kriya (Heart Base) - 1

July 6th (Wednesday), 2022, Houston, Texas

In the morning, while doing the breath infusion and sitting to meditate. I read Marcia's post on Heart Base as listed below:


I read the full post, but these two lines were more than enough for me, I understood what the technique was and took it from there:

"The heart base is located in the blood in the physical heart muscle.  It is in the blood, not in the heart muscle itself."

 In Pali as you wrote, it is called "Hadaya Vattu", After applying the technique, I instinctively called it "Hridaya Kriya". Most Kriya's usually act inside the Subtle Head but this one did wonders in Hridaya (Heart base) and subtle body tension.

All this was happened by the Buddha Deity's Astral energy, the buddha's poem and inspiration energy from Marcia's post:

Let me elaborate on the steps of the research I did:

  1. Thorough Breath In-Fusion practice blasted almost all the Nadis (subtle veins) in the subtle body with prana
  2. Quickly ran to do samyama (meditate), I generally lie down on the yoga mat in a dead man's pose
  3. Relaxed the body in the dead man's pose
  4. Naad is blaring in the Right Ear, Anchored on the Naad (25%)
  5. Went to Heart Base, and now the Heart Base Kriya starts (With naad anchoring) :
    1. Shifted the focus to the left side of the physical heart
    2. Sensed the heart muscle mentally
    3. From the heart muscle, got subtler and sensed the blood flowing into the heart
    4. Float your focus on the blood level for a few minutes
    5. Either dimension where chakra manifests should be open by now, if not follow this intermediate step
      1. Now, down-shift the gear to an even slower and subtler dimension from blood flowing to the level where chakra manifests (Energy Vortex) (see below picture)
    6. If the access to the Heart base is open then you can start cleaning the emotional knots and entanglements burdening your chest or subtle body for a long time
    7. Issue a Mental command to surgically remove the emotional parcels or investments of a particular person or an incident from the left heart chakra (you can do at center or right, wherever you have access, I did at left)
    8. The buddhi will translate the command in the form of motion pictures like a movie in the subtle head of how the energy bundle is being removed
    9. If the command in point 7 is not working, then track the energy bundle in the heart base by invoking that particular incident and sniff that sensation (like craving, disgust, resentment) like a dog and penetrate and track that energy deposit inside the heart base, and now grab and throw that energy bundle back to Prakriti.



I applied this technique to clean the several crap energy deposited for years in my subtle body:

  1. Resentment towards my family members (energy bundle came like a bag trash bag from the left heart base)
  2. Resentment from Workplace (prick energy)
  3. The energy of unfulfilled relationship energies/ unrequited love energies (a huge burden lifted off the chest)
  4. Unnecessary/ Unused Affection energies from relatives, friends, and acquaintances (this is a nuisance)
  5. Defilements like craving, lust, and excessive eating
  6. Attachment Energy to a nation, community, social status, or uplifting downtrodden people (burden for yogic purposes)

I cleaned up all this mess over multiple sessions in the coming days. This attachment energy has karmic energy mixed with it and they will tend to stick back or slowly start building back. Just like salt deposits on your bucket keeps forming and keep scaling it off until your bucket is coated with a substance on which salt deposit can no more stick on it, till then we need to keep scaling it off.

These are the three chakras I observed, sizes and colors are accurate. they appear at the left and right nipple locations at the mid-plane of the body. Chakras (Vortex) or Base, I used these words interchangingly. I will post more pictures of this technique in the coming post. 


Replies (1)
    • Wow!  You are incredibly perceptive, Ani. Thanks for sharing your experience.   I am really impressed with your abiltity to both SEE and FEEL.  As for my work at the heart base, I have not investigated further.  I check now and again to see if there is any tension in the central heart base (sternum) which is where I did my work. It's been more than a year since I focused and busted up the energy knot there  and I have not had any reoccurrence.  For me, the work was done right at the sternum, in the bone, and at the heart lung complex.

      Technically, I don't regard any differences in location or description to be significant.  The important thing is finding blockages that are restricting spiritual advancement. Any information or help from another's experience can surely be a catalyst for transformation and purity. 

      You know where the location is for you! Now you can do the necessary maintenance. I find that experiences like mine (which pales in detail to your account) and yours are not ever forgotten.  I see them as guidepost events that lead the way  to freedom. They are a great confidence booster too.

      At this level, the practice is intuitive. One just needs to trust the practice and pay attention. Prana does lead the way.  Then we do our best to apply discernment and get the work done, using both body and mind.

      Good luck!

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