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Ghost of the Past

A ghost of the past, a man whose daughter I was attracted to and was perhaps crazy over, during the teen years of this body, found me last night on the astral level. When I was in love with his daughter, he was against the relationship and kept a close eye to be sure that I could not sexually access the young lady.

Later, here and there but infrequently, perhaps every five or ten years when I met him on the astral level, he was hostile to me. However, now he was friendly and jovial. He said this.

“How do I know whom she is? What was her identity in the last three lives before this one, when you approached her with sexual interest? These circumstances with our responses to them is silly in a way, because we do not have the proper information to make informed decisions regarding who should have sex with whom.”

I did not reply in a lengthy brief. Instead, I said this.

“You were being responsible for the young lady who happen to be positioned as your daughter in that case. Looking back, I conclude that your objections to the relationship were in order. Why should I begrudge you for it. Suppose you encouraged such a relationship, what would be the outcome? Who would take responsibility for progeny produced. When all is said and done, a fruitful sexual relationship reaches the situation called pregnancy and which teenager is prepared to fund that?”

After this he inquired about yoga practice. He expressed a desire to learn it.

The ghosts of the past will haunt a yogi. Not this one, but most of the others are concerned to hold me to account for what they consider to be my irresponsible acts. Some others want me to extend my socially acceptable acts. Either way, if their desire is fulfilled, I will remain time bound.

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