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Friends against Yoga

One objective of yoga is to master the physical body, so that being interspace into it, one can eventually transcend its placement and move to a preferred destination hereafter. This can be readily understood by anyone in the modern age, where travel from one place to the next, occurs rapidly by means of fuel consumption in machines.

People move from place to pace, in fact from country to country in the nick of time. They go to preferred destinations. People no longer have to remain at the same place for a lifetime as they did, say about three hundred years ago.

But how will one go to a preferred place hereafter? Besides wishful thinking, what definite methods are there, for someone who would like to migrate after losing identity with the physical body, where one is left to be just a psychic being?

The direct evidence of what will be left of a person, is the subtle existence in dreams and the mento-emotional formats which one operates in the mind during the waking state of the physical body.

Since the common medium of existence which is experienced, are thinking/feeling actions, and participation in dream states, the choice of where to go, and what to be, has everything to do with the astral world which we experience in dreams, and the thinking feeling psychic transmission energy and shapes, which we currently are occupied with.

For yogis, it is as much a problem and challenge as it is for religious people who aspire to go to a place where their cherished deity has a world on display with a full environment which is suitable with no hardship, disease nor time limits.

But on checking the current astral domains which are available to dreams, one may find that one associates there at this time, with people whom one superficially is related to either as relatives or friends.

On Oct 29, 2024, I was in an astral domain with a person who I was acquainted with during the teen years of my body. He wanted to create conditions in the astral world so that his friends would meet there hereafter and then find suitable parents such that we would again be friends in high school in a new life. He planned this and wanted my participation to reinforce the desire.

How would such a thing be? Is it that Nature is responsive to the imagination of this friend, whereby his subtle body would be attracted to a school for the purpose of his friends becoming new embryos of parents who would be located in a vicinity whereby their children would go to the high school of his choice?

Is that a reasonable fate for a yogi?

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