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Foundation Shift in Yoga Progress

On the morning of September 30, 2016, I had an astral conversation with Arthur Beverford. He said that both in martial arts practice and in yoga the student should feel some foundational shifts from time to time, where the whole basis for the practice changes and new completely different methods and motives begin. This may not show externally. The yogi may be doing the same postures but what happens in the subtle body would be totally different even though a person lacking the insight would not realize it.


An example of this in ordinary life, is the learning of mathematics, whereby the student begins with the teacher stressing units being added in a sum from say one (1) to twelve (12). At first it is a matter of focusing on units. Knowing one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven and twelve. The basis is the unit (one).


Later the teacher might introduce the idea of using three in a bundle with three units of anything being regarded as one. In that case four such bundles would give twelve with a bundle of three being the basis.


The student may be challenged to move from the unit basis to the bundle as the basis. Some student are irritated by a teacher who introduces a new basis for doing yoga practice and a new basis from which to focus during practice. Some students may even leave the practice altogether when challenged like this. 

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