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Forward Focus in Meditation

Forward focus in meditation when done under compulsion of the extrovert tendency of the mind is not the same as such focus when done after mastering mind introversion. A yogi must differentiate between the two practices, one being natural and involuntary and the other being unnatural and deliberate for the developing of the divine eye.

This divine eye is experiences in three ways.

  • seeing through the third eye using uniVision
  • seeing into the intellect psychic organ using uniVision
  • seeing through the intellect which is focused into the third eye with uniVision

I felt the need to clarify this after explaining this to Arthur Beverford in the presence of Rishi Singh Gherwal on the astral level. They were present during a meditation session on March 3, 2020. Beverford observed and then did whatever I practiced, while Rishi Singh observed us.

I began to do a forward focus towards the third eye practice. Beverford did the same except that his footing or background support was not the naad sound resonance. For him it was the coreSelf without that support. He sensed that he did the practice differently and asked about it.

I explained that first the yogi as coreSelf must be in naad and is reliance on naad as an anchor, When that is firm and established which could take minutes or moments according to the proficiency of the yogi and the high level of the mind due to doing breath infusion just before the session, then the yogi should look forward but should do so while firmly remaining focused in naad, hearing naad and feeling surrounded by naad.

When Beverford did the practice, he left aside naad and moved forward in the subtle head. Then he switched to using his conventional compulsion focus, which immediately focused forward into the place where the third eye is located between the eyebrows.

I told him that was not the practice. It was not what I did. He was attentive to what I said. Rishi Singh heard me but he made no comment, even though by his mood we both knew that he wanted me to give details.

The yogi must first master introversion practice, where his psyche is reformed to such a degree that when he sits to meditate, energy courses into the coreSelf center of consciousness or it remains in a totally neutral state neither going in or out. Soon after this the yogi should reach naad. As the core, he should be emerged in naad. Soon after that, being anchored in naad because of having developed that habit, he should peer forward lightly to see if there is mental activity by the intellect. That organ should be silent without images, ideas or thoughts. If that is the case, he should peer into the space between the eyebrows and note the situation there. If there is an energy moving in and out, or converging and diverging, he should glance at it gently and wait for the third eye space to become clear or to show scenes from other places or other dimension.

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